Woodworker feedback

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Domino, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Domino Guest

    Hi woodworkers!
    With the Rise of Kunark expansion, you got the normal level 70-79 "essentials" and "advanced" recipe books containing weapons, totems, bows, arrows, throwing weapons, wooden shields, and harvesting tools. Since then, the weapons upgrades also added "blessed" weapons to every weapon type. In addition, Kunark factions added some upgraded shields, weapons and a bow, and the Far Seas faction sells recipes for another shield and bow. (This is woodworker-only recipes, not including stuff like the shard armor that can be made by any class.)
    Some questions:
    • woodworker essentials level 76 added the "recurved" style of bow for the first time. Was this worth repeating, or not particularly useful?
    • any items that was outstandingly popular or unpopular?
    • any particular totems that you're hoping to see in the level 80s? (Besides "stackables ones", I know )
  2. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Illusion totems would rock!
  3. ARCHIVED-Maroger Guest

    Xalmat wrote:
    Illusions are worthless in this game - don't waste time on them
  4. ARCHIVED-Maroger Guest

    DominoDev wrote:
    Ok I would like to see improved arrows -- like FIRE ARROWS.
    I don't even bother with totem other than the invisibility ones. I don't find them particularly useful -- unless you were to make ones that gave back your crafting vitality.
    I would like to see improved bows -- more on the lines of the DI'zok bow. Also I would like faster bows. After all at the battle of Poitiers the archers could reload a lot faster than we can - Poitiers would have been lost if the bows were as slow as the ones we make our.
  5. ARCHIVED-madhatr Guest

    I think more bow styles are allways a plus the repeated use of the bow graphic with the eletric string is a bit old.
    But TBH i sell no wood weapons, and only a few totems since they sell for just a few silver over cost. and most totems are usefull in a hand full of situations. Maybe a few consolodated totems, underwater breathing+ fish vision would be nice i might acctualy make some of those for myself.
    And illsuions just need a revamp you cant realy pick wich one you show without recasting a few of them, and some of them dont match what they buff, the run speed buff totem turns u into a lizard dog thing doesnt scream speed to me.

    arrows that use the imbuing materials for a dot component would rock, fire ice electric what ever, can u imagine the coin you could make of somethign that would add maybe 10 dps =).
  6. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    DominoDev wrote:
    If i can't say stacking I'll have to fall back on arrow variety. I still want my explosive arrows!
  7. ARCHIVED-Celena Guest

    I agree with illusion totems. My provi sells a LOT of the item that gives the Antonica Bayle illusion as well as the jesters illusion item. Would be fun for my WW to have illusion totems (different than provi ones)
    I still sell a lot of the flaming bow and the targ shield. More items with those types of graphics/stats combo would be good.
    Another suggestion would be appearance slot staffs for mages.
    Would also like to see a totem that combines fish vision and water breathing, so folks dont need to carry both. madhtr, great idea
  8. ARCHIVED-Anestacia Guest

    The return of Woodworker Instruments and a bard use for them!! :)
  9. ARCHIVED-GlitterPaws Guest

    Tracking totems? Totem of the Gnoll/enter Mob Name here Finder? or Totem of the Totally Lost....of the MapImpaired....
    Maybe Dungeon tracking totems and overland tracking totems to add a little more spice, etc.
    Heritage Quest Totems; equip whenever you enter a zone a 'special' waypoint trail lights up to point out your next location. It's up to the player if they want to work on the quest on not so have a 'later' option on the totem. These would be pricey totems )) Can see these as adjuncts to player written HQ tips books.
  10. ARCHIVED-ElsaRat Guest

    I joined the game after Kunark, and had no idea how many perks we woodworkers had just gotten until you listed them all above. Thank you very much; I enjoy tradeskilling on my woodworker more than any other crafting class, and the large variety of blessed and imbued items has been great. I'm also glad you recently made the Kunark faction books heirloom. In my opinion, the original amount of grinding required for a pure crafter to get them was over the top. While this doesn't completely fix that, at least I only need one eighth tier adventurer to take advantage of them now; my woodworker doesn't have to personally be an uber-adventurer to make the finest bows in the game.
    In general, the variety of weapons available, both imbued and blessed, makes this a great class, as it helps to diversify the market and make this a more viable profession. As for popular items, while I don't sell many, the Di'Zok bow has been very much appreicated when I've guildmates with them; perhaps that's because I associate with a few rangers. ^^ I haven't seen so much demand for the recurved and ornate mahogany bows; that may just be me, I don't make that many high end bows in general.
    Mainly I want to make what other classes will want to use. Eperienced rangers will know far better than I what bows they'd like. I read they were disappointed by the recent upgrades to the current bows, so I'd ask them what they're looking for in the upcoming tier. I'm sure they'll have detailed opinions. I guess that's true about all the weapons; ask monks and bruisers and bo staffs, and so on. Of course not just rangers use bows; perhaps tanks would like one with an unusually long range for pulling.
    I'll second the person that suggested combining the water breathing and fish vision totem into one.
  11. ARCHIVED-KerowynnKaotic Guest

    DominoDev wrote:
    *blinks* .. we got a new bow in T8? I had no clue .. I spent the majority of time sitting in Fens 2boxing crafting writs with my toes. When T9 comes around I'm going to be able to grind up to lvl 90 with all the pristine bonuses from T8 ..
    Anyway .. I'd like to see some new Illusion Totems added but added so that they are use-able by lvl 1 and crafted at various levels. Illusions are fun now and then. I've never understood why they had to be tied to the Adv lvl. The bonus, yes, but not the illusion. An 'easy' add would be to take all the current illusions attached to the various buff totems and make them the same crafting level for 'quintessence of ___ totem'
    I'd also like to see a Totem combined for Fish vision and EB .. but I don't want to see it required Adv lvl 80+! That's just stupid, by then you should darn well have your Hadden's Earring by then if you can't cast it yourself!
    I would like to throw in my vote for "Fire Arrows" as well as "Ice Arrows", "Divine Arrows" ... or maybe "Fire & Ice Arrows" But, again, I'd like them reshuffled back through-out the levels. Which of course defeats the purpose of this thread, since I'm guessing you are asking primarily for T9 only suggestions.
    Speaking for a $$$ PoV .. about the only thing that sells constantly is Arrows. Tunare help us if some Dev ever gives Rangers (or any bow user) 'endless quiver' like in EQ1. My poor Woodworker would be exactly that .. poor.
    oh .. and speaking of Arrows .. can we maybe get the item stacking for Arrrows bumped up to 400-500? *grin*.
    As for some suggestions for some new Totems ..
    • Maybe a Invis Totem that lasts longer than 10m and/or an Invis +10-20% run speed while Invis.
    • A Group Invis Totem for 10m might be nice too by T9
    • A totem for Rangers .. something like 2nd sight for healers? Increased +Bow Speed / +Dmg buff?
    • Totem that increases Agro for the Tanks?
    • Or even a Totem that decreases Agro for the rest of us?
    • Do we have a way to increase the Range of spells? Can we have that in a Totem? increase spell/Combat art Range by 20% for 30 mins?
    • Totem of the Fire Elemental/Winter Wolf/Cobra/etc? a +Dmg Damage Shield that stacks with all other DSs?
  12. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    As a user...
    Combo totems (that can be equipped at MUCH lower levels than they can be crafted) would be grand! Fish Vision + Water Breathing, Run Speed + Out of Combat Power regen, See Stealth + See Invis
    Aura vision would be nice (something very handy for going out coercing *impish grin*)
    Invis + runspeed increase while invis (but only for high level)
    And I -love- the idea of appearance wands :)
  13. ARCHIVED-ElsaRat Guest

    A totem that gave someone feather fall or reduced falling damage could be fun. Though there's already a tinkered item that does that, so perhaps it's not needed.
  14. ARCHIVED-hellfire Guest

    Ranged wepons for mages...sling shots.
    Nunchucks for brawlers
    Instruments for bards
    Evac totem useable once every 24 hours 3 charges
  15. ARCHIVED-Lleren Guest

    Nun-chucks have been requested a few times recently hmm, a resurgence of Bruce Lee's spirit into EQ?
    I did not really notice the new bow type in T8 sorry, My Ranger wants a slow slow weapon, as she is adviced to go with from the elders in her class.
    I would love to see sets of crafted appearance stuff for all the craftign classes, even appearance fluff that requires multiple crafters and or rare materials to help keep it a bit more exclusive.
    Combined totems, totems without charges that stack like potions, A Higher runspeed totem, A totem that has you proc hate or dehate are all ideas That I really like.
    Something I do not like is the implementation of Arrows in game. I would much prefer if Woodowrkers created A "Quiver of Arrows" that never actually ran dry and had stats of its own. That there where Handcrafted, Mstercrafted, and dropped ( all sorts)versions at every level of the game from common Treasured to Raid dropped Fabled arrows.
  16. ARCHIVED-Lasai Guest

    Doesn't really matter, the only decent bow we had was the DiZok.. I couldn't give away any mahogany versions.
    The bloodwood bow and shield arent worth the effort. It's a round shield.. and pretty useless. The bow is hardly better than the DiZok.. and the DiZok is FAR easier to make, stock, and is a perma recipe. In my opinion the Far Seas recipes for WW were an absolute failure. No trade, unstockable junk that nobody even asks about.
    The only viable products I have are totems, arrows, the Dizok Bow and Targ shield, and the Mahogany and Chromatic essence bucklers. Oh, and struts, but I guess I have to kiss those goodbye.
    arrows and totems are severely undercut, most times its not worth stocking them for a few silver per combine.
    Please. No more class defining widgits, not even for WW. Bad enough that tinkers make them, we don't need more bauble generated class abilities in the game.
    I feel the same about illusion totems. I recall the Provie illusion recipes.. fun for a while, sold for a month, now junk on the bazarre. That kind of fluff is no help at all long term.
    We need more decent late tier recipes, Like the DiZok Bow, earned by factioning, permanent recipe, made with tradeable drops. If you are going to give us hand weapons, PLEASE, dont waste recipes on yet more worthless two handers.
    Please, cut the commission crafting junk next expac, I want to be a crafter, not a menial service provider. I want to make, stock, and sell weapons, NOT hang out in a chat channel hoping some adventure type MIGHT throw me a tip for assembling an item that an NPC can assemble just as well. I hate the idea of void shard "crafting" with a purple passion... and the whole "hampster wheel" void shard thing is a disgrace.
    Speed up the fighting batons as a monk weapon.. give us our old graphic for batons back please..
    Also, bear in mind the changes in procs and spells. I doubt the DiZok will sell well in future, as a scout/ranger bow with 50+ Int it is now pretty much obsoleted, same with anything that may have been used by a non bard scout. Do you realize that half the DW weapons produced by my WS are now totally mis-statted to thier intended classes because of the change? All that work put into re-itemizing weapons now pretty much wasted due to game changes done with no clue what it would do on the crafting side.
    Oh, and off-topic, you might want to check on how many "group" crafting instances are actually being run by groups.. and rethink the whole "crafters as psuedo adventurers" idea. Crafting is my break from loot rolls, pugs, and instances, and I really don't think the idea has long term merit.
  17. ARCHIVED-Elorah Guest

    OOH! I LOVE the illusion items in game! It would give me a reason to play more on my WW. As she is now, I dust her off for live events and making ammo... lol
    I think some more variation on arrows would be nice. Perhaps another tier of SoW totems as well. Many people have the carpets and the mounts, but SoW totems may still be used.
    Sadly, many of the top tier rare items do not sell well with all the drops and level 77 items that you can get. Perhaps a boost to the crafted bows and shields next tier so that they can compete with the drops and quest rewards might help.
    Are new tools plausible? I only ask this since we did not get T8 tools (totally understandable with the speed taht the t7 ones give), but perhaps add something else to them besides speed? ALL of my characters currently use the Tinker ones only because there are only 3 as opposed to 5 AND they add skill to the harvesting as well. Maybe something along that line, or add a teensy boost to rare finds or extra harvests much like the AA.
    Thank you for asking our opinions on this... I believe that this is why we love you so much Domino!
  18. ARCHIVED-Calain80 Guest

    While only being a mid level Woody here are some ideas: As until now totems where only out of combat items I will keep it there. - size totems (smaller and bigger) - mount speed totem (either a high amount, that does not stack so you can use a mount for appearance or 5-10% that stack) - "Odysee" Totem for home and guild with 15 min cooldown. - Group invis - out of combat self only evac with high recast - the secondary effects of Priest breath water group spells (walk + jump / swim skill + swim speed) - harvesting tools with a secondary effect like 5% double harvest or harvesting all three charges at once without a speed bonus. Some ideas here are better suited for a tinkerer including: - Track item - all in combat totems - group evac - pacify a single mob
  19. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Kaisha@Permafrost wrote:
    While I would love to see consumables with each of these effects, totems are traditionally out of combat effects, while potions are in combat.
    For out of combat effects, I'd like to see:
    Stealth + stealth speed increase
    Underwater breathing + fish vision
    Group invis is a good idea
    Ample harvest totem, with a 10% chance
    Pure illusion totems, if illusion mechanics are able to be addressed
    As for other woodworker items, nothing was an overly good seller in TSO. The Far Seas faction recipes produced items that were substandard when compared to the effort required to get them (obtaining the recipe and components), and although I'd like to see more items like these, the items themselves need to compete with the drops from the zone the components are found in.
    An assortment of imbued arrows would be good, but that would need to be done in conjunction with Aeralik.
  20. ARCHIVED-GrunEQ Guest

    Definately combining enduring breath and fish vision.
    Fancier bows..like different colors, feathers on the ends, styles. Variety in speeds, and stats.
    Arrows that have fire/icy/tar aminations when you use them, with stats included.
    More graphic styles in all weapons; it's very boring and disappointing to see the same graphics over and over again...there should be something unique about each weapon that has a different name, imo. More use of colors/gilding/glowing/styles. More variety in stats.