Wood Elf Soga In-Combat Facial Animations.

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    If I can get this image to work... The /emote angry is WAY better looking then in combat... the in combat angry looks dumb in comparison and goofy, the /emote angry looks focused, is there any way to change the combat one to be more like the new emote? please.

    I know we have a very good animation developer, I would like to see what he can do with this

    PS: Is there any way to get the Facial Expression of /angry without the rocking? hehe :)
  2. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Any way this could get corrected so I don't look Derp derp in combat, hehe
  3. ARCHIVED-kelvmor Guest

    InsaneChaosMarine wrote:
    No, because, well. Wood elves are just look derp derp in general, regardless of what model you're using.
  4. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    I want my wood elf to be less herp and less derp.. :(