Wolf form bah

Discussion in 'Warden' started by ARCHIVED-blueshadow, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-blueshadow Guest

    I saw the other tread about wolf form, but Im still starting a new one cause I think this topic needs some attention from the devs :)

    Size... With all respect for the artists who created the wolfes.. They are a little big (not the artists but the wolfes). Compared with the horses and bears. If there is a zoo nearby that have wolfes. Go and take a look. :) You might be a bit surprised. They actually are very much the size of a dog, not an elephant. Mentioning Elephant. I know there are Elephants in Freeport. Im on my way there. I hope they are considerably larger.. :) :robottongue:

    And how slow!! well I have seen real wolfes. Yes they run fast. Heh.. but in this game you can run faster than a horse, so what can you possibly expect.

    I miss my character (Imagine reading those 4 words in uppercase). Yeah.. They have a /showhood to remove your helmet but still keepint stats. Why not a /Showwolf.. that would be neat!

    With all the great animations.. and so on. I have loved to watch my character all the way from level 1 untill 20. I think I will play this character a lot less if I have to deal with that boring and way (ucaseword) to large wolf (*cries)..

    Please devs.. give us wardens a little love!

    BlueShadow :womansad:
  2. ARCHIVED-Zygwen Guest

    If you think the Wolf Form is bad, try the Beaver form. Talk about a huge beaver!
  3. ARCHIVED-shtychkn2 Guest

    Who said huge beaver? Yeah, those animal forms are way outta wack.....
  4. ARCHIVED-CloakVai Guest

    LOL beaver form.
  5. ARCHIVED-Kyriel Guest

    we need badger form badger badger badger badger
  6. ARCHIVED-Enegar Guest

    God.. that beaver is insane. That floppy beaver tail is the size of two warden wolf forms put together.
  7. ARCHIVED-Maudersh Guest

    I just got wolf form last night for my Warden, and I think it's cool. So in defense of the current wolf form, gonna respond to some of your points.

    Size = Sure, the wolf form is kinda big.. but it's a magical thing right, and should be taken in that context. It doesn't have to be small. I think I'd complain more if the wolf weren't unique in size. Besides, it scares the noobs sometimes, and that's worth every cent. :>
    And don't know if you've seen the elephants, but they're pretty big.

    Showform = I kinda agree that it'd be nice to macro that function, but whats the big deal of cancelling the spell or recasting it? It takes, what, 3-4 seconds? Are we all in THAT big a hurry?

    Speed = I agree that we should have gotten SOME kinda boost in the speed department. I mean, we have 4 legs now.. come on.. :) maybe a 5% - 10% speed increase? :)
  8. ARCHIVED-blueshadow Guest

    Showform = its not the casting time that bothers me... its just that I want to see my char and the awesome animations while Im fighting and not the wolf (on higher lvls you are forced to play wolf form.. if you want to stand a chance of survival).. if there had been a command like on the helmet it would be neat. When you use the /showhood to hide a helmet or hood on a cloak, the stats you get from having that helmet on your head is still there...so basically you have a helmet on your head.. but you cant see it.. (as it ruins your hairstyle).

    that means if you had a showform command.. you could be a whatever race you are and still get the stats from the wolf forn..

    I know theis might sound bad for some rp's but its there with the helmet.. so why not the wolf form or the other animal forms?:smileyindifferent:

  9. ARCHIVED-Kierana Guest

    I think its a great idea to be able to turn off the wolf form image. I personally get annoyed with the barking and the size is so off.
  10. ARCHIVED-Oook Guest

    A bit off topic but what about the sound effects, I sound like an irate poodle !
  11. ARCHIVED-Ravenmist Guest

    Wolf form is great when you first get it, come back after seeing yourself as nothing but a wolf.. or another animal for 10-20 levels then see how you feel, hehe. Its annoying not to be able to fight and play as yourself, and in dungeons the size of the animal forms is really annoying. A /show command would be a really really nice change.
  12. ARCHIVED-Arielle Nightshade Guest

    Here's my vote for /showwolf (or whatever you want to call it). I agree that I want to watch the cool fight animations that my elf has instead of looking like a Rabid Dog while fighting...not to mention enduring the 'gee I guess you really ARE a b..(nevermind)' comments from being in Wolf form ...LOL

    There are rabid dogs in Rivervale, and they look just like us, only with a dye job. I'd prefer to not have the red eyed, salivating look, but I don't want to lose the AC and melee buff that the wolf form provides. Short of using up 40g worth of dark elf bones, or getting the Guise of the Deciver, there are no other choices.

    My 2c.
  13. ARCHIVED-Ballyhoo Guest

    I agree. I've posted about this several times before. Wolfform is my number one complaint about an otherwise very fun class. Wolfform takes away so much from the game. When in wolfform we have no emotes, no casting animation, no swimming animation, no jumping animation, no moods, less developed fighting animation, no visibility of gear, and basically no differentiation from anyone else of our class. However without wolfform we have less hp, ac and power. I don't want to give my group debt because I'm not in wolfform and died or ran out of power when I shouldn't have, so I have to keep it up at all times :smileymad:. Please give us /showform, or a fluff spell Illusion: Self, or make a petrified eye of your own race not require a bone fragment to cast, or something. Please.
  14. ARCHIVED-Barimen Guest

    For 23 lvls now, im 43, cant remember when we get the [expletive ninja'd by Faarbot] wolf, ive seen my very handsome gnome form less then 5% of the time.

    That is just sad, and it drives me nuts, and the wolf wouldnt fit into a barn, let alone climbing a tower or some dungeon were the friggin tail brings down the place.

    Thing is, it is good enough that you can not really be without it, so I have used the petri eyes in the past, then ive used fairy form, wich kinda works, I now have guise of the deciever wich is awesome and lets me be a humanoid for friggin once, but not the gnome I picked when I created this char is a no go.

    And on each zoning, cancel salmekia, cancel warden, recast guise, recast wraden, recast salmekia, and it gets ooohhhh so tireing.

    Why not upon character creation have a tickbox if you are going to create a warden and then tell us that how we make our char look is of no consequence, as we will never see him anyway and can just as well skip that step?
  15. ARCHIVED-Faeoren Guest

    The thing is, if you cancelled the graphic for the wolf, then it ceases to be wolf form. I think the /showhood command was primarily for robe wearers, since its feasible that you could take the hood off or leave it on when you have a robe. Why it applies to helmets I do not know.

    While I agree wolf form can sometimes be a nusiance because of the size, it would really defeat the essence of the spell if you could hide the graphic. Otherwise it would just be another buff without the name wolf form.

    I just hit 34 and got the upgraded wolf form (Warden of the Forest). I had not been using the old form (Protector of the Forest) since I got Oakskin at level 30, since the power buff on Oakskin is greater than wolf form. I have pretty high AGI and AC, so i'm not missing the added AC or HP that wolf form gives me. You are not ALWAYS better off casting wolf form. It's great for soloing or duoing (Warden tank woot!), but when you are grouping, I think you might be better off without it. I use my 5 concentrations with Favor of the Untamed, Protection of the Seasons, Blessing of the Wild, Perennial Essence, and either Oakskin (especially when I'm MH) or Willowskin (I know the powerbuff doesnt stack with Willowskin but the added AC does).

    Besides, I actually like the wolf graphic. :smileyvery-happy:
  16. ARCHIVED-Ballyhoo Guest

    Actually, in my experience you pretty much are always better off casting wolf form, from a grouping performance standpoint.
    The hitpoints and AC are much more important than a small bit of power gain from Oakskin. I almost never run out of power during a fight, but I do get aggro, hit by barrages, spells, etc on a regular basis, so AC and hp are very important. The only time I'm not in wolf form when grouped is when killing greens or greys.
  17. ARCHIVED-Faeoren Guest

    I never run out of power during a fight either, and the power buff from Oakskin is not negligible...it's actually a good amount of power+. Of course HP and AC are important, so really I suppose its a tradeoff. You can have the extra HP/AC and have more damage absorbed, or have the extra power to be able to heal yourself and the other group members. Really depends on how well you are able to manage aggro. Also extra power means being able to nuke, snare, weaken, and DoT in addition to heal at a higher frequency. As for barrage, you should never be receiving barrage damage if you are standing behind the mob (like everyone but the MT should be).

  18. ARCHIVED-Ballyhoo Guest

    Oakskin gives good power, but so does wolf form. That's what I meant, the amount of power gain of oakskin over wolf form isn't that much. As for barrage, it happens when mobs add on to the fight, it happens when someone over aggros and the mob flips around, there's lots of ways you can get barraged. To say you never receive barrage damage is unrealistic.
  19. ARCHIVED-Ravenmist Guest

    Only time I can see Oakskin being worth it is putting it on a MT against a Caster mob you know is going to use heavy fire or cold damage. Otherwise I'd say its downright irresponsible to have that spell on yourself. Lets take a look at the numbers shall we.

    Both spells being at adept 1.

    You gain 39 power by having oakskin on before you get to the point where Oakskin goes white, at which point its less due to Warden still scailing up.

    You gain 217 hps from Warden, and 255 ac. Those numbers are very significant. You cannot be keep yourself from being hit all the time, and in most really crazy fights your going to be getting some attention no matter how good your tank is. Maybe this will change in the future with our agro being decreased, but I'm talking about right now.

    39 power isn't even enough to cast one more spell. 217 hps and 255 ac will make a large impact on if your alive or not at the end of a tough fight when you get agro or hit by a few big AE's.

    There are almost no instances where having not having wolf form on is a good idea.

    BTW, this is all information based on someone who's level 34 and JUST got Warden. As that spell scales up those AC and HP numbers go up too, making it even more silly to be using oakskin at all.
    Message Edited by Ravenmist on 03-01-2005 04:25 PM
  20. ARCHIVED-blueshadow Guest

    instead of this boring, ugly, barking, oversized, slow (and without any good animation) wolf form.. I mean if they can not give us any /showform of any kind, why dont they make it a bit different. Call it wolf spirit instead.. and let a shadow of a wolf or a transparent wolf effect surround us while we fight.. that would have been cool.. I miss my char so bad and I miss the animations.

    Actually Ive been offline a lot now, just dont feel the inspiration. I might make a new char or something.. I know this might sound strange to someone but to me and I know a lot of others things like this counts a a lot. I loved my char. But I hate this wolf. Thats the punishment for killing 100s of gnolls.. becomming one barking gnollface myself.. :womansad:
