Wizards Port Spells

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-Arogon, Dec 18, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Arogon Guest

    Does anyone else feel we got the short end of the stick when it comes the new port spells in comparison to druids. First off we only get 1 port to EoF compared to the two druids get. Second, in a raid setting, druids can drop a portal for the entire raid, but we can only port our group or one at a time at a cost of 30s each time. Also does anyone know what it costs, if anything, for druids to cast their portal spells?
  2. ARCHIVED-Daraskin Guest

    Thier ports only cost mana. Its really unfair. They should remove the reagent from our ports to be more in line with the druid ones. Yes ppl have to have already gotten that bush to take thier ports, but we only get 3 compared to thier 5 as it is, there is no reason to make us use a 30s reagent each and every time we want to use our port spells. I would definatly use them alot more withour the reagent.
  3. ARCHIVED-valkyrja Guest

    My hope is that as they add additional expansions, some of the areas will have more wizard spires than druid rings.
  4. ARCHIVED-Angre Guest

    Translocate to bind point, same refresh rate as others. I would even let them take back anotica and CL translocate for that...
  5. ARCHIVED-Zyphius Guest

    I want to keep those two, and would like to get EL and Feerrott. I use them to get to KoS.

    I do agree with the previous posters. I've posted before the pro's and cons between the two classes, and I'll do it again for those that didn't see it:
    Easy Quests
    Passengers do not have to do anything to ride

    30s reagent per cast
    Only 3 loc
    Passengers MUST be in group or raid

    Easy Quests
    5 loc
    Passengers dont have to be grouped... dont even have to be communicating at all
    Free to cast

    Passengers must collect essences before able to use... only a con for the passenger really though.

    Sorcorers loose that battle, as usual.

    Message Edited by putergod on 12-18-2006 05:05 PM
  6. ARCHIVED-Faheuc Guest

    uhm... 20 other classes dont even get any ports... we get 3 that cost, yes but that is better than nothing. im happy with the 3 i have, they come in very handy 30s each use or not
  7. ARCHIVED-Santsu Guest

    I'm not all that worried about the reagent, 30 silver isn't all that much.

    I would like to see more locations though. I mean come on once you past 20 lvl you rarely have to go to the commonlands or antonica any more.

    I would much rather be able to port into nek forest and TS.
  8. ARCHIVED-Zyphius Guest

    Other classes got other things. If you think we are the only classes that got anything with EoF, then you're gullible. Druids and Sorcerers got ports... druids got the better end of the deal.
  9. ARCHIVED-Faheuc Guest

    didnt say they got nothing, said they didnt get ports. i just see no reason why we should have ports be exactly the same between the two classes, from looking at the first two posts of this thread all it seems like to me is people complaining that another class has something better than them and it isnt fair. you say other classes got other abilities, name an ability that other classes get from eof that is on par with either version of ports. i have several alts and every time i log off my wizzy on to one of them the first thing i think is '#$%, no Gfay port to get to eof with.'
  10. ARCHIVED-Tanith_ Guest

    I'm happy with my ports and use them all the time. Don't really care that druids get more.
  11. ARCHIVED-simpwrx02 Guest

    I am happy with my ports, sure more would be cool, but ours ports us directly to the spires to go to TT it is what like 2 minutes of cloud riding to ge to the other KOS zones, and as far as our Gfay port it is the hub of EoF once again 3 minutes of running will get you to any of the zones in EoF. All in all I am happy with the port :)
  12. ARCHIVED-TheBuzZ Guest

    I do wish we could port to the Kos spires...
    Just having one port to the TT would be the same as two of our ports to CC and ant...

    I also hope in the future that they will fix the other spires.

    as far as the druids.. i have no problem with that...
  13. ARCHIVED-Jeeshman Guest

    Exactly. It's really nice to port from City Writ Quest givers to the spires in Antonica, wait no more than 5 minutes to port to TT, complete a writ, then either Call back or Antonica Port+Evac to the South Queynos gates. And then rinse and repeat. If a guildie needs help in Loping Plains when I'm in Barren Sky, I can port to Gfay and ride to LP in mere minutes. Schweeet. Instead of coveting the Druids' ports, feel sorry for everybody else! They actually have to *travel* to get to KoS or EoF content!! :)