Wizard TSO 4-set effect not working

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Khun, Sep 5, 2018.

  1. Khun New Member


    The wizard TSO 4-set is not working as the description indicates. The 4-set effect states:

    "Applies Focus: Fusion II. Decreases the recast time of Fusion II by 60 seconds and increases its base damage by 15%"

    When equipped, the recast of my Fusion II ability is unaffected.

    This set armor is arguably weaker than the ROK set (which boosts our highest parsing ability, Ball of Fire). Receiving the extra 5% potency for the 6 set might make it marginally better than the full ROK set.

    If the equipment bonus worked as intended, Fusion II's timer would be reduced and this set would be something to strive for. When manaburn was nerfed to the point it was no longer viable to even use, in my opinion, reading this set-gear's effect kept me interested in my wizard. After spending my stockpiled DKP to receive this 4-set as soon as possible, I was disappointed at it's lackluster.

    I invest a lot of time in my character and at the least want my items to work as described. We already lost our mega-ability manaburn, we really need a win. A set bonus description should not have no effect, and it's compounded by the fact that we will only be L80 for another ~2 months. I am disheartened, and implore the devs to look into this issue and help resolve this concern.
  2. Kalika Well-Known Member

    May be you are already at the reuse cap.

    For that you don' t need 100% reuse since some AAS may be lower the recast.

    Whatever be the situation recast can never be lower than 1/2 the base recast (the one a naked toon with no aas will see).

    This actually made lot of AAS useless once people got 100% reuse.
  3. Khun New Member

    What i want to point out, is that’s itemization of TSO Sets should provide a benefit better than the ROK set. The intention of this 4 set fusion cast reduction is intended to be a powerful set bonus, but because every wizard has a built in fusion focus it makes this bonus do nothing. The ROK set bonus improved ball of fire 20%, the TSO improves fusion by 15%. Ball of fire is much much more dps than fusion overall, even in ae fights.

    With the loss of the extraordinary intended bonus of fusion 60 second recast, this TSO set weakens a lot. This 4-set bonus needs to be itemized to be viable in TLE. Please look into this devs.
  4. Carynn Well-Known Member

    So you know, a bunch of classes have useless TSO t4 effects. I play an Inq, and a four piece TSO T4 will give me Tenacity as a group buff. Tenacity is already a group buff through Focus Effects. A six set will give about fourteen points of potency more than the RoK set, but a loss to a bunch of other stuff. TSO Raid armor is not worth getting to replace RoK armor. Jewelry is a separate issue.
    Kalika likes this.
  5. Khun New Member

    Carynn, that's a useful observation. The solution is not to say multiple classes have broken set pieces, it's to compile a list of the broken set pieces so that the devs can re-itemize the sets, so their bonuses are viable in the TLE environment and not completely worthless. Worthless gear = loss of incentive for raiding = unhappy players.

    I request that any other classes with broken/non-working set bonuses add to this forum, so the devs know what needs to be fixed and can do something about it.

    Here is the list at this point. Devs, fix please:

    Wizard TSO 4-set -> Fusion II reduces recast by 60 seconds does not apply [covered by inherent focus effects already]
    Inquisitor TSO 4-set -> Tenacy group buff does not apply [covered by inherent focus effects already]
  6. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    On a wizard at the moment, you would need to replace choker, and a few blue stats casting speed/ab mod on jewelry to even meet the crit cap and wear the new left side gear, just to have even less potency than just sticking with the RoK gear and wearing a choker.

    I'm extremely annoyed with how the gear is at the moment, and how there have been no changes in the three weeks we have been clearing the expansion. Nearly a 1/4 of the expansion has had broken itemization, I guess it's almost onpar with the original TSO at least.
    Atan likes this.
  7. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Warden 6 piece buf is a bonus to instinct which is likely to be tiny, the 4 is more chance to trigger for spores ...

    Nothing really important, so some classes get nice effect (for defiler i think thet +15% on their main ward) and other get almost useless effects.

    Also Focuses came much later in the game, originally you got the focuses effects from purple adorn from Paineel expansion. You got them for free during DV or even later.

    So during vanilla Group Wide Tenacity was awesome, but it is useless now.
  8. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    Some focuses were buffed up by fyreflyte on stormhold, but in DoV caith lead the charge of changing them from being on gear/red adornments to actually just being things you can choose in your character window.

    The set bonuses at the moment are just left overs from back in the day, I think fyreflyte just gave some classes upgrades and missed others, like Illies give 8% potency per synergism they give out and the Coercer equivalent is another 8% potency on enraging demeanor, that is in no way balanced as illies can give 4 synergism's and coe's can only give one enraging.