Wis debuff affects stick rate? Or just placebo effect?

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-Episkios, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Episkios Guest

    I was talking with an SK guildmate tonight who very firmly stated that wis debuffs have no effect on mob resist rates. SKs have a wis debuff line which seems to debuff by about as much as Garsin's, and he believes he would have noticed any anecdotal differences in resist rates. However, one of his benchmarks was in damage resist, which may not operate by the same rules as debuff resist.

    I do know that many of us -- dirges, that is -- keep a mental list of "resisty, stab first" mobs; we seem to believe there is at least anecdotal evidence supporting the idea that wis debuff = lowered mob resists = easier debuff sticks. Does anyone out there have a dev post or some parses of debuff rates to use as stronger support?

    Figured this was the place to come with this question. I know a lot of more experienced dirges hang out here.
  2. ARCHIVED-Hazeroth Guest

    Best way to do this is to find a class with the Highest Wisdom you can find and have them take off any equipment (or buffs) that have mental resists. Then duel them and just spam the same debuff over and over agan, like CCC. Once you've done it like 100 times count up the resists.
    Then have the same person take all Wisdom buffs, and wisdom equipment off then spam the debuff again 100 times. Then post your findings.
    Hell even if there is only a difference of 100ish wisdom (approximately the debuff value of Garsin's) you should see a slight change.
    If anyone here has the time, I too would be interested in the findings.
  3. ARCHIVED-ravenscale Guest

    the problem with this test is mob resist mechanics are much different then mob resist mechanics
    wisdom does effect resists on players a bit more then mobs
    i tested it awhile back in baren sky on aviaks on guardians isle and found outa 20ish attempts each (repeated 3 times) it made it resist 1 or 2 less times on the fights i used it. The problem is is most the time i killed the mobs to fast
  4. ARCHIVED-Unwise Guest

    I find wisdom debuffs to have very significant effects on resist rates. The thing is, if you are not fighting yellow or orange mobs, then chances are you seldom get resisted anyway so do not see much difference.

    In a raid situation on mobs with decent resists, like drakes in labs, I notice that after the druids/SK/dirges etc have debuffed wisdom spells land alot easier. The second half of the fight sees almost no resists. My guild is lacking in classes that lower mobs spell mitigations, so I do not put it down to that.
  5. ARCHIVED-Hazeroth Guest

    When I was in Nizara I got the distinct impression that the Wisdom debuffs was helping me land my debuffs more. I'ld estimate the probability at around 20-33% better stick rates on my main target.
    Since in Nizara mobs tend to remove your debuffs often the turn over rate for the debuffs was much more active, it would be:
    debuff, <resist>,
    debuff, <resist>,
    Debuff, <land>,
    Debuff, <resist>,
    Debuff <Resist>,
    Debuff <Land>
    Debuff <Land>
    Eventually the debuffs would be wiped clear, and do my Garsins then Debuff again;
    Debuff <Land>
    Debuff <resist>
    Debuff <Land>
    Debuff <Land>

    Sometimes it would be 2 resists with the 3 main debuffs but very very rarely 3 resists with the 3 main debuffs in a row.
    But with out the Garsin's 3 Resists with the 3 debuffs (even from the whole group I was debuffing) was Uncommon to a common occurance.
    In Nizara you would end up debuffing the same encounter 2, possibly 3 times during a fight, and they all Yellow (for the most part) so make a good testing bed for resist rates due to the absolute nessessity for debuffing over and over again.