Winding Dragon confusion...

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-SirensSong, Jul 12, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-SirensSong Guest

    I just got the skill Winding Dragon last night, and it says in the description, "Increases Monk of caster by 10." What the HECK does that mean!? Draylin Mairemacha: now with 10 points more Monk! Could someone please clarify this for me?

    Thanks! :)
  2. ARCHIVED-purrsona Guest

    Well in thier infinite wisdom of adding what classes can use items/armor they put monk in that spot, it should say tranquility. Not sure if any other classes have this issue with thier skills.
  3. ARCHIVED-PorkSammich Guest

    New and improved! With ten percent more monk!
  4. ARCHIVED-Redlance Guest

    Monkie buisness if you ask me. Beats something like 10 more Ranger!