Wierd mini rollbacks

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Lateana, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    For several days now I have been getting mini rollbacks. The latest was today at about 12:18PM CST. The character I was playing was kicked out and I was auto-logged to a character I had been playing about 20 minutes before. I relogged to the character I was kicked off of and found that I was rolled back a few minutes and Had an overflowing inventory with a single old earring in it. Once I lost progress on a crafting combine and lost all the quest ingredients. I petitioned that one but did not get a timely response and ended up deleting the quest and starting over. It appears as though someone is messing with my account for some unknown reason. I am getting a bit ticked off about this. What would you suggest as the proper way to handle this issue?
  2. Detor Active Member

    It isn't you, it's the server. The zone you are in is crashing. (everybody else in the zone just went LD too at the same time as you if you log in and ask the zone.)
  3. Cluna New Member

    been getting this a lot in Vesppyr Isle too. Nowhere else... I wonder if it's a problem with the zones closing/opening as the player population changes? Either way it's very frustrating. Happened to me 5 times today.