Why the AA increase in the middle of Expansion?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by igknats, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. igknats New Member

    First of all I want to say thank you for the AA increase, But why in a middle of a expansion? For some, the ToV Questline is done, the new HQ's are done. Are we are doing Is farming Etymas and gear for our Alts.so to get Our Veteran bonus back on our mains it means we just grind AA's slowly. you do the math: 200% Vitality 110% pot and only getting 1404 exp per kill in a zone like SOS heroic. why even bother play until the new Contested zones come out. even if you introduce an Double exp weekend the Experience per kill or even Quests does not add up fast enough to keep the "LIFERS" interested anymore. sure we can Grind all day and night in SkyShrine , sounds like a lot of fun with with 10 lvl 95's to gain 10 AA points each.
    Yes I am thankful the increase in AA's but not thankful for no new content to help me gain them. I am open for constructive help
  2. Jolemai Active Member

    Things come through on a weekly basis now. Very soon there will also be new content in the form of contested High Keep.
  3. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    This is to get you 'used' to the new XP earning curve, so that the huge nerf won't be so tender when the next level cap raise comes.
  4. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    10 More AA across a raid may be the difference between killing a mob you couldn't before == New Content.

    AA's take an hour tops to gain if you know how to do them. Nobody is also forcing you to grind them ASAP, feel free to wait for the new highkeep.
    Charlice likes this.
  5. Veeman Active Member

    No going to ask why, I will just happily take mine and run.