Why is nothing ever explained?

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-thygeson, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-thygeson Guest

    I have read the update notes. I have seen the reactions both negative and not negative (none seem positive). The only question I have is what needed to be fixed and why has this been chosen to fix it. I don't think we have too much dps. I haven't heard anyone say we have too much dps. I honestly thought we should have more. If you consider the fighter line used to have high tanking ability/low dps on one side and low tanking ability/high dps on the other and now has even tanking ability but still has the dps slant. (Honestly, who would want to play a tank that has the same tanking ability as every other tank class but has the least dps?) But I digress.

    I would just like a cogent logical explanation.
  2. ARCHIVED-Zhonata Guest

    We have been askign that for past 5-6 days. Not even a so much as peep from the Dev's in these forums. While they may not be ignoring us the sure has heck aint talking to us. Doesnt really matter now patch is tomarrow.
  3. ARCHIVED-Troupez Guest

    You described the Guardain perfectly in your (). Just checking out your forums cause I know the plate tanks are hurting badly. Plate for the win
  4. ARCHIVED-Halcat Guest

    I think that is what all of us would like. I have read the posts from Lockeye in many of the other class sections on the changes that are happening to them and in most cases once it was explained the people that play those classes were able to accept the change even if it was a nerf and they didn't totaly agree it was needed. At least they knew why the changes were taking place. Really, that's all I would like to know. Why are our skills being changed?
    I don't think it is to much to ask and seeing that many other classes have had their questions answered, I don't think the devs have a problem answering. I'm really not sure why we havn't gotten an answer. Is it because none of us can write a flowery post? Is it because we havn't demanded it enough? Or is it simply that we don't rate high enough in the devs eyes for them to even consider giving us an explaination?
    I don't believe this is the case, but after asking for so long and seeing other classes have their questions answered and the changes explained it is not unreasonable to start thinking such thoughts. Please, all we are asking for is an explaination for the changes coming in LU16.
  5. ARCHIVED-Stromulis Guest

    I really wish they would allow use to /reclass. I'm fed up with all the nerfs we get. I'm level 53 and hardly play anymore due to constantly making us weaker and weaker.
  6. ARCHIVED-Exmortis_MT Guest

    Actually this sounds like every class forum.
    Guess we should rename these to the SOE Whiners forum, a far more befitting title indeed.
  7. ARCHIVED-thygeson Guest

    v. whined, whin·ing, whines
    v. intr.
    1. To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
    2. To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
    3. To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch: jet engines whining.

    v. tr.
    To utter with a whine.

    1. The act of whining.
    2. A whining sound.
    3. A complaint uttered in a plaintive tone.
  8. ARCHIVED-Doku Guest

    A road map with clear balancing information isnt provided because SoE just doesnt know how their changes will really effect the live servers.

    SoE made a huge issue of the rebalancing (I would call it recreating, its basicly a new game, mechanics wise) of EQ2.

    Guess what... they continue to nerf. Raid encounters are screwed and it looks like all they did was nerf solo ability (forced grouping).

    If anyone played EQ1, this is the norm...

    SoE never could figure out the meaning of "Long Term Planning", "Balance at clear milestones", "Build down and tweak UP, NOT Build up and tweak DOWN", "Never change horses mid race", "Sharing your vision(TM) helps everyone find their place in the enviroment", "You cant level a moving platform"

    All the changes have done is create a huge amount of ambulance chasers.... aka XXXXX class is strong, Ill go create that.