:) why illusory images are needed which are shape changes?

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Ra'Gruzgob, Feb 6, 2019.

  1. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    :) I don't understand why illusory images are needed which are shape changes? such as "form of the builder", "udor's spirit of the hawk" etc. what do they give? what effects? perhaps they are required for some quests? where about it it's written? thanks
  2. Svenone Well-Known Member

    The illusion spells in your spellbook are mostly just for "fun", or perhaps for roleplaying. They do nothing other than change your appearance. The same can be said for many item-based illusions. It is only with recent illusions that some have game enhancing stats included.
    Dude, Hartay and Breanna like this.
  3. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    "Or perhaps for roleplaying"? :confused: I thank Svenone for the answer. Well. And alcohol tolerance [IMG] are mostly just for "fun"? EQii wiki: "In eq1 consuming alcohol would increase sta and str for fighters (only) but no such effect has been observed in eq2". All this and similar seems to me - unnecessary stuff which distracts in the game rather than brings "fun". But this my opinion of course.. Perhaps from the beginning of history nobody took care to rid eqii from this "amusing" and "necessary" stuff. It's sure, to all these and similar vacuous it's possible to make properties, useful to progress [IMG] of characters. But for some not clear reason and some misunderstanding devs disregard it. In a game all content has to be with practical sense including "fun"..
    Somebody told:"Most developers hate debugging; it's more fun :) to create bugs than to correct them :( ". But is it true?
  4. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    (1) Look at the specific spell or item that is casting the illusion to see what, if any, stats are associated with it.

    (2) If you dislike illusions, go to your Character window, under Options you can check a box that prevents it from showing illusions.
    Dude likes this.
  5. Rhodris EQ2Wire Ninja

    If you don't want to use an illusion, you don't have to. Or you can hide your illusion form under Character -> Options. I have the Clockwork Calamity illusion active, but hide the form so I don't have to see it - I'm not spending half an hour on character creation getting the 'look' right just to lose it to an illusion for the stats.
    Dude and Breanna like this.
  6. Zarnafien Well-Known Member

    IS there anyway to get rid of the glide ability from the CD collectors illusion?

    I want the buffs it gives me but it blocks my ability to use safe fall and level it. I want the buffs but I don't want to glide.
  7. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    It's remarkable that there are illusions (such as those that are mentioned here) changing a shape only in case the character dismounted.. They as if buttons without wires. You include-switch off, but no effect :confused:
  8. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    Devs, paint please icons of totems for our toons in different colors. All of them equally gray also look a little boringly as statues from Easter Island (statues on this island once too were multi-colored and with eyes). It perhaps not difficult and will not take a lot of time? Just as color elixirs in bags of our toons. That it was more convenient to us to distinguish them from each other. I even repeat a magic word further, for Your team in order that someone from You made it - please
  9. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    Now it's inconvenient - if You have many different totems in bags (or boxes) or on the hotbar to choose from them which necessary. Also two weak color shades will be enough: one for icons of totems of health regen (slightly reddish), another - of power regen (slightly bluish). And color of figurines moai on icons does not need to be changed but only to recolour slightly a background. It's perhaps better to leave other icons of totems as is - with a brownish background