Why I think beastlords should be reintroduced

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Llew ap Dwr, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Ohiv Guest

    24 raid spots 24 classes.. Seriously we aren't getting any more classes. Like previous posters said druids have a charm animial and can melee I would say they are as close to a beastlord as you will get. Obviously wardens being alot closer then furies.
    Although I loved how OP'd they were in eq1 I can understand why folks would want them in eq2....
  2. ARCHIVED-Zin`Carla Guest

    Ohiv wrote:
    ironic you mention this. i made this exact same point in a different thread regarding class viability on a raid... For anyone that has been raiding even a medium amount knows very well if you stuck 1 of each class on the raid, the raid would almost always fail. I think this is one of the largest hurdles that SOE has simply decided to ignore (or run around rather then actually tackle). In the beginning maybe.. when raid content went to T5 and that was it, SOE might have paid close attention to class balance and how each one contributes to a raid... however, anymore it simply isn't worth the effort of having some of the less desireable classes (and this is by no means a knock on them. i love my SK and my bruiser... but both are backseated as mains in favor of my assassin because of how necessary an assassin is to a raid over a crusader or brawler).
    And now people are incessantly bawling about wanting the beastlord class back. Heads up people! Reality check INC!!! For those of you who cant handle it, duck and cover now!!!! SOE will not impliment a class that is going to FURTHER upset a raid balance. They can't get crusaders and brawlers adjusted properly, SOE sure as heck isn't going to shoe horn yet one more class into the mix. Especially one that all of you believe (blindly so) will be exactly like what existed in EQ1. WRONG! FAIL! Do not pass Go do not collect $200. I've said it before and i will make the comparison again: Look at how the SK was mutilated in its cross over from EQ1 to EQ2 and tell me you whole-heartedly believe that if soe were to bring the BL over, the same exact thing wouldn't happen to them. That you honestly believe the BL class will make the transistion completely untouched. I got a full set of no drop mythical armor, masters and mythical weapons for all of your toons AND your alts if you truly believe that is what will happen with the BL... oh i also have some dry land in the Everglades for sale as well. Cheap! Will negotiate -- PST

    Oh and Vochore, keep in mind, population count doesnt.. in any way shape or form = originality... WoW may have a larger player base but that doens't mean they have done anything original. not sure how you confused those two concepts but you are sorely mistaken. Glad you are having fun though!
  3. ARCHIVED-Illmarr Guest

    Ohiv wrote:
    That argument might have more validity if raids actually needed one of each class.
  4. ARCHIVED-Illmarr Guest

    Go try and see if a Beastlord actually has a desired place in current EQ1 content. About the same as a Brawler or SK in EQ2.
  5. ARCHIVED-WeatherMan Guest

    I don't remember who made the suggestion, but on the previous "Bring back the beastlord" thread, someone made the suggestion that any time you post on the forums and use the word 'beastlord' in a post, you get a verification pop-up asking 'are you sure you want to post?'

    If you hit 'yes', you are automatically locked out of the forums for an entire month.

    I desperately needed a smile that day, and that did the trick. I also thought it was a heck of a great idea.

    I don't mind people pulping this particular equine corpse, because I'm fairly secure in the fact it will never happen. Why? Because even if it was a legitimate request, SOE would blow it off, the same as they do for most things.
  6. ARCHIVED-roces9 Guest

    Luinne@Kithicor wrote:
    Yeah, this is the most compelling argument against BLs for me. Unless they are an EXACT carbon copy of the old EQLive version, which they will never ever be because of this games mechanics, no one will every be happy with them. They don't have enough HP, they don't debuff well enough, they don't melee well enough, they don't cast well enough etc. Instead of seeing these stupid "WE LUV DEM BEASTLORDS!" threads, you'll get twice as many

    "ZOMG BL is BORKED! FIX OR I QUIT!" threads. Does anyone really want that?
  7. ARCHIVED-AngusMcLachlan Guest

    roces9 wrote:
    Yes.. Because i'd atleast be playing a beast lord. lol...

    I'd prefer they just add a Tab, max it to 50 aa's.. and give it 100 aa's to choose from that gave you additional pets, increased those pets, etc etc... allow everyone to become a Beast Lord. Have their Pet cut their exp.... I could care less if it totally screwed my character so it took me 290% longer to level because I had a pet... i'd still do it
  8. ARCHIVED-Enever Guest

    Someone bury this dead horse, it's stinking.
  9. ARCHIVED-Zin`Carla Guest

    Ofaelol@Kithicor wrote:
    Nope... that's why i wish people would just give it up and stop posting threads about the f`ing class. SOE needs to BAN people that make "WEZ WANTS BLORDZ!" under the forums rukes regarding trolling.
    And Angus, it would be interesting for .00002 nanoseconds and then the EQ2 forums would be flooded with people like you bawling about the terrible injustice that has been done unto the BL class. Sorry, the class needs to stay blown up with the moon Luclin, never to reform or return except as a (not so) fond memory and nothing more.
  10. ARCHIVED-AngusMcLachlan Guest

    Actually, it wouldn't be people like me. I personally hope they totally [sex] up the class completely until it's completley and totally unrecognizable except for the name.

    Course i've already said i'd prefer they just give everyone an Advancement Tab called Beast lord and throw in a few pet options and advancement options. Give it to every class, give it to them all equally, no difference based on class, race, alignment or anyting, because then people will just complain it's all the same... but atleast they will have it, and i will be happy.
  11. ARCHIVED-seamus Guest

    Mezzmyrelda@Unrest wrote:
    That horse don't look dead. :D
  12. ARCHIVED-roces9 Guest

    Mezzmyrelda@Unrest wrote:
    Anyone that posts "We want BLs back!!" should get this as their permenant sig
  13. ARCHIVED-Konahito Guest

    Yeah, this thread isn't going anywhere nice, even from the start.