Why did you chose a bruiser over a monk?

Discussion in 'Bruiser' started by ARCHIVED-Gnimish, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Mantua1 Guest

    When it absolutely positivly has to be beat down in a matter of moments - BRUISERS

    accept no substitute
  2. ARCHIVED-Mentla Guest

    A Monk is a class selection choice with pros and cons much like any other class choice in EQII. Do some research, see if you like what's on offer.

    Bruisin is a way of life. Period.
  3. ARCHIVED-Zetnorr Guest

    I didn't , I chose Monk 1st ( I have 2 ) but always wanted to try the Bruiser to see the differance not just in fighting skill's but all round type of thing.That's why I chose an Iksar so the races are identical but alredy noticing as power differance.The Bruiser hits harder sooner than the Monk ( but takes alittle more ) Why do I have 2 Monks & now a Bruiser ? I just love the animation's on these character's & I just cannot play anything else without falling to sleep. :smileyvery-happy:
  4. ARCHIVED-Mentla Guest

    Qeynos reminds me of the US, Freeport reminds me of Russia.

  5. ARCHIVED-MakhailSammael Guest

    What part of the US you live in???
    Freeport looks more like the US I know of..
    Gaynos looks like Disneyland.. great for kids, but makes me want to put a bullet through Goofeys head.
  6. ARCHIVED-Mentla Guest

    Not looks, NPCs. All the false smiling and 'have a nice day' crud of shop assistants and such is similar to the false happiness in Q. In Moscow they are probably ruder than in FP now that I think about it.
  7. ARCHIVED-Halsy01 Guest

    Monks are punks, bruisers are cruisers - as in you're cruisin' for a bruisin'! Monks are just...well...gay. Now don't get me wrong, I have gay friends. I'm also not a person who generally uses gay in a derogatory manner by which to describe someone or something, but monks really are gay.

    Monks tend to get into tickle and slap fights while bruisers just dish out the beats like nobodys business. Monks engage in drama, whereas bruisers will tell you to save the drama for yo' mama. Monks mince around in swishy little pink silk robes, where bruisers stomp around in black leather chewing gum and kicking [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn]...and they're all out of gum. Monks will fluffily go on about honor and such, while a bruiser won't think twice about giving you a sucker punch to the '**** because we're all about getting the job done quickly and doing whatever it takes to get 'er done. You'll often see monks running away from a fight screaming like little girls, whereas a bruiser will always stand toe to toe and scream "BRING IT ON!". I could go on and on, but you get the picture. If playing some namby-pamby, sissy-girl of a fighter is what yanks your crank than monk is the way to go. If you want a name-takin, [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn]-kickin' machine, than bruiser is the only way to go.

    Level 40 Kerran Bruiser

    P.S. For those without a sense of humour, the above piece was purely intended as some tongue-in-cheek humour. Except for the part about bruisers being death machines and monks being girly-men. :p
  8. ARCHIVED-Kowl Guest

    There are a couple different reasons I went Bruiser,
    1st - I wanted to go Iksar and they start in Freeport. The Ruins of Kunark was always my favorite expansion in EQLive because of all the lore that the Iksar race got. Not to mention Iksars where one of the only two races that could be Monks in EQLive so it made sense.
    2nd - Pre LU13 my main was a level 50 pali and I was tired of buying ebon clusters for 3 plat a pop. 3 plat was just about enough for a full set of rare armor for a Bruiser.
    3rd - I just like the idea of a big in your face "Im gonna kick your ****" type of description that the Bruiser has.