why did the gods leave?

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-jam3sD, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-jam3sD Guest

    I never played eq1 so i dont understand much but i played EQOA for the ps2 which is roughly 500 years before eq1 and i was just wondering waht happened to the gods and all the planes of hate, sky etc?
  2. ARCHIVED-RaphaNissi Guest

    The quick answer is the gods got weak from us invading their planes. They needed to get away and regain their strength. You can read all about it here.
  3. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    yeah this is the very basis for why EQ2 exists. The gods withdrew thier presence and broke up the world so the mortals would focus on fighting each other again while they had time to recover from all the invasions of thier planes.
  4. ARCHIVED-Jaargen Guest

    My theory may be a little controversial, but here it is. I think the reason the gods pulled out was because many of them died in plane of Time in our timeline. After reading the book of Zebuxoruk, I think that only in EQ1s timeline were the events rolled back and in EQ2 they weren't.
    While the gods feared they couldn't ever come back, at least Rallos Zek did manage to come back, but at what cost? I theorize they may had to draw upon the power of the planes themselves to come back in such a weak state and as such, many planes could no longer maintain their existence. The book of destiny mentions that some of the lesser planes have ceased. (one such is the plane of sky suggested in the Djinn lore and legend book) The gods knew that continuing to extend their powers over Norrath would continue to leave them in a weak state and cause more problems. They thus chose to cut their contact off with Norrath to give them time to rebuild their powers and probably to build a strong planar guard preventing portals between Norrath and the planes. Now that long time has passed, I assume they are back to full power and now wish to extend their power over Norrath again.
    Just remember all this is derived from what I read and not listed here as fact.
  5. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    EQ1's timeline continues on after Druzzil Ro sends everyone back through time, and events and players who participated aknowledge it.
    EQ2's timeline begins where we never entered the Plane of Time in the first place. The gods were weakened from our invasion of thier own planes themselves, but the Plane of Time never came to happen, all because Druzzil Ro sent them back in time in the first place.
  6. ARCHIVED-DreamerCloud9 Guest

    So in EQ2's timeline, adventures have conquered the elemental planes, and were on the verge of entering the Plane of Time, but.... never entered it? hmm confusing, what did they do instead I wonder...did they forget? memories wiped? oh the intrigue
  7. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Captain Katheryne Janeway of the U.S.S. Voyager once said:

    "My advice on trying to figure out how space-time paradoxes work: DONT!"

    Understanding how a time paradox works can very easily give anyone a headache if you actually try to delve into the logistics behind how it happened.

    I'll try to better understand it.

    I guess the best way to think of the timeline splits is whether you were one of those citizens somewhere on Norrath who just went about thier day-to-day lives, or if you were one of the select few adventurers who actually obtained knowledge of the Plane of Time and all that.

    Those adventurers who entered the Plane of Time, and were sent back in time retained thier memories of what happened inside, while everyone else in the universe had no knowledge that they ever did. These adventurers would eventually continue in EQlive's timeline to discover that the Legion of Mata Muram was trying to invade Norrath and posed a threat to it, and so on and so forth of everything else that has happened since July of 2004 (when the Plane of Time was actually first beaten).

    Everyone else in the world, would progress onto EQ2's timeline, because they never had knowledge that anything ever happened, so in essence, it didn't.

    So... EQlive's timeline went on to aknowledge the existance of the Plane of Time, even if the world all around them did not or would not until later on.

    EQ2's timeline would begin because the events in the Plane of Time would set back time to a point where it never happened, all because players invaded the Plane of Time in the first place. Those adventurers who invaded would not retain thier memories because they were never thrown back through time, but rather time was just reset altogether.

    In other words, the Plane of Time never happened, all because it did.
  8. ARCHIVED-Desdichada Guest

    But wasn't there a reference to Qeynos Claymore being brought from the Plane of Time? I admit, it has been a long time since I did any of the Qeynos newbie quests, but that has been my impression. Is my imagination playing tricks on me?
  9. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    I never heard of such thing, but then again, I'm stuck on camping Ironfang, who is still a 40 minute wait for a chance of having a placeholder of an uber-rare named spawn who breaks the respawn of the entire encounter for the rest of the day untill the servers are reset. I can't really say how the claymore quest goes after that because Ironfang *NEEDS* to be changed and more easily found.
  10. ARCHIVED-DreamerCloud9 Guest

    Ahh, thanks for explaining it. The key word you used was "reset". Which explains why they don't remember it. I assume they were reset to a point where they hadn't conquered any of the planar progession "flags". Anyway, it will be interesting to see which gods make their return or if there are any new ones that will show...
  11. ARCHIVED-Avatare Guest

    players used to joke that the ultimate time sink in eq1 was after beating Plane of Time, you were de-leveled to lvl 1 and stripped of all your gear as part of the 'time-warp' and teleported to your home starting city.
  12. ARCHIVED-IrishWonder Guest

    Out of curiosity, does anyone know EXACTLY what Zeb says upon the completion of the final quest in the Fallen Dynasty series? I know we can go and read the lore, but it's very cryptic. I've found that, in the past, you gain alot more knowledge of the situation if you beat the event and read the in-game dialogue. I'm just wondering if there's more to be seen than the cryptic third lore installment for FD tells us.
    After all, the dev's stated pre-release that by beating the questline, players could learn why the Gods left... so Zeb has to have more info than what the lore installment gives us :smileywink:
  13. ARCHIVED-Jalek Guest

    Aye id be interested to know too since the chances of beating the final raid mob anytime soon are not good.
  14. ARCHIVED-Tipa Guest

    The Gods left because mortals had gained too much power. It's just that simple.

    They saw Zebu as only a taste of what mortals would become as they took every more of the powers of the gods into themselves. Hundreds of thousands of little mortal gods, and then why bother worshiping the real thing when the real thing dies so easily? So they left.

    Of course, each god had their favorite mortals, and if they were sneaky, they could give an edge to those who still remembered them.

    I doubt the gods will allow themselves to ever again be in a position to be slaughtered. We might see creatures like Coirnav once more; he was created from the combined powers of the Triumvirate of Water, Tarew Marr, E'ci and Povar.
  15. ARCHIVED-Wilde_Night Guest

    You have to remember too, we never killed the actual gods. Only their Avatars were slaughtered over and over again.. sometimes by their own followers. That in itself, as a god, would make me mad. And I am sure each time they had to remake their Avatar, it drained some of their power.
  16. ARCHIVED-Jigokusensei Guest

    You know I found this interesting, as I read through the old lore book, I noticed some new things.

    There is a passage that states quite clearly that the Avatars (newly created before the Rallosian war), knew quite well what was going to happen after the war.

    As in they knew that Lucien was going to be cut off, and they knew that the rending was going to happen.

    The rending I can see as a by-product of not having the elemental gods to watch over things to keep balance. (total chaos of the elements and nature.)

    The idea is that the Rending was well known to the Gods, but I wonder if they had planned the Shattering as well or if that was an off-shoot that happened as a result of the gods leaving.

    The Egg that was brought through the portal was the Egg / Bomb from Solsek Ro's Plane. So that part was planned I believe as well.

    If that's the case all the Norrathian dieties are not worth their spit to worship. Zeb should be the 9th, just so there can be some humanity involved in the planes. :smileyvery-happy:
  17. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Crystal, not egg.
  18. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    Actually I thought several things were going on that created the EQ2 timeline.

    EQOA is controversial because of several things that are within it. But the basic premis is that it does take place 500 years before EQ1 does filling in some parts. Antonius Bayle II is actually in EQOA if you go and visit one of the houses. You can also find Erud setting up Arcaydin or later to be called Erudin in the Frontiers expansion pack.

    As for the whole EQ2 timeline difference and all here is what I have come to understand.

    Alot of things caused the gods to get mega P***ed at us making Druzzil Ro create the seperation as we see it. Zebuxork *sp* was one of them I believe where he revealed something to us mortals that he shouldn't have like Promethus giving fire to humans being cursed for doing so.

    The second part to this was indeed our invasion of the planes or the overrealm *never played EQ1 but in EQOA we had access to two planes, sky and disease/poison*. Now I think there is something we are missing a 3rd part that caused the gods to look at us believing we had grown too powerful in our own right.

    In the Tome of Destiny in part I with the council of the gods the gods conveign to talk about the problem of the mortals. Some gods want the mortals destroyed others feel compasion for us just wanting to give us a simple punishment. Quellious in some respects saves us mortals from the brink of destruction preposing "It is through their unity that the mortals initially became strong. The first thing we must do is to disrupt that unity…" and then goes on to say "In seven mortal days' time, we will act as one. Will that be long enough to do what is needed?" .

    It is through those three acts the gods duth bestow our punishment onto us and that being the Shattering where two events happen. Now this is my interpretation but Druzzil Ro goes to the Tapestry of time and tears it into two pieces. After tearing the tapestry appart creating two timelines one is "furlled in upon itself" and this to me can be interpreted in two ways. The first way is this furlling cause the one tapestry to reset time to where the gods still have their power in a sense. The second thing is this furlling could symoliz wrinkling creating "The Shattering" as we call it.

    However no matter how you interpret it the gods did what they did so they could restore their powers because of us. I'm just betting that some of the gods arn't too happy right now because of a couple of reasons.

    The first reason they are not happy is their little plan only semi succeeded in a sense. The lands were torn asunder, we had our unity shaken, crippled or destroyed but only to a certain degree. Right now we have 3 major cities Qeynos, Freeport, and Maj'dul soon to have a fourth city in the EoF expansion pack. Their main goal was to as Quellious said "disrupt that unity" and well we have gained that unity back.

    However I do believe that some of the gods predicted we would come back together forming these cities even though some of the other cities would be destroyed.

    Another reason that some of the gods arn't too happy is the great deeds that we have done. We have freed the Froglok race from captivity under the evil claws of Venekor in Cazic-Thule. Skipping ahead a bit we have returned to the Kingdom of Sky/Overrealm as it were. I do not know 100% what the Overrealm is right now that we can journey to but i'm betting as I said some of the gods arn't happy with us restoring the Wizard Spires.

    With the Nine Prophets revealing themselves I think the gods are going to start laying down some decrees for us mortals. But as I said thats just my interpretation of it all. :smileywink:
  19. ARCHIVED-Jindrack Guest

    The Plane of Time occurred in EQ2's time line. As Zebuxoruk wrote, when the Matron of the Art rolled back time the timeline split. One was rolled back as intended, the other went on, as time does, as if her change hadn't occurred. No one, not even a Goddess, can truely manipulate the flow of time, especially by trying to control it at its very source.
  20. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest



    Ahh man. I thought I really had that Space-Time Paradox figured out, and then it's revealed I had my theoretical roles switched around, but this only throws the whole thing out of loop because you're saying that Plane of Time happened in both Timelines, which leads me to question how it is that nothing is mentioned about it in the Tome of Destiny, and what prevented EQlive's continuation from never happeneing.
    /minor headache.