Why can't we critical heal anymore?

Discussion in 'General Fighter Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    I remember why it was nerfed, because yes, it was honestly way to powerful for the content in SF, and also PvP.

    Now that this new expansion, (Velious) came out, Mobs are hitting for 60k... Players are Multiattacking and hitting eachother 4x harder then they were before...

    Why can't we still heal crit? It does not make sense now...
    (Please let this be a reasonable discussion.)
  2. ARCHIVED-Controlor Guest

    Because if you could crit heal again it would once again be OP for PVE zones?

    Not to mention with EM raid gear from this expac it has completely trivialized ALL the old zones.
  3. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    You must not be in Kael Zones.

    Please try tanking Kael Zones and tell me how a 2k heal would be overpowered when your getting hit for 60000 damage?
  4. ARCHIVED-Landiin Guest

    Kaels is meant to be a be-atch to do, It isn't a snooze fest like the other ones. Man up son, not every thing in life is easy.
  5. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    My Defiler can tank the other zones, Heal crits are needed for Harder zones, just because heal crits would make some zones more of a snooze fest, its not like it would matter, I still wouldn't die anyways.
  6. ARCHIVED-aias Guest

    Toranx@Crushbone wrote:
    c'mon dude. This is nothing about manning up to virtual monsters. It's about having relevant tools to counter mob effects. Having none is no fun.
  7. ARCHIVED-Landiin Guest

    Has every thing to do with it. Just b/c you can't do it don't mean others cant and don't like the challenge it brings. But I'm sure people like you will QQ enough that they will nerf it even more.
  8. ARCHIVED-Ironcleaver Guest

    Being overpowered or not; reguardless, it's the only artificial lock/cap of it's kind in the game. That alone makes it a very valid argument. Stonewall procs did far more (overpowered) damage then fighter (esp. Pally) heals ever did in SF - There was also no retesting of critting fighter heals in velious at all.
    Paladins Perspective:
    They could let our heals cirt again easly and they wouldn't be all that OP since they have also been changed to a 1 minute recast (base) in most cases. More balanced would be to change our heal tree endline to allow our heals to crit again, making it a 22 point investment.
    [Edit: cleared out irrelevant argumentative information]
  9. ARCHIVED-Bruener Guest

    The heal crit change was a complete joke. SOE totally missed the mark on tanks self healing since the vast majority of self heals came from gear.
    I think as a SK I saw my 100hps lifetaps in a raid drop down to 50hps.
    DoV they realized the true source of self healing on tanks and hence limited ward procs a ton on gear (originally making all SF ward procs useless in DoV).
    Time to reinstate that heal crit so I can get that 100hps again!!!! As if it would make a difference.
  10. ARCHIVED-NamaeZero Guest

    I believe the official logic was because critical heals on fighters benefit more from raised stats than was intended. For example, temporary wards get better when you raised primary stats/Potency, +Ability or Ability Reuse. 100% Dodge/Parry Defensive abilities like Tsunami are improved with Ability Reuse only. Heals on the other hand get to benefit from Crit Chance, Crit Bonus, primary stat/Potency, +Ability and Ability Reuse.

    In an environment were they will be giving us a truckload of all of those stats (i.e. DoV), heals would quickly become vasty better than any other form of defense for fighters simply because they got to benefit from so many stats all at once. So in order to fix this, you would need to make sure all fighter had the same amount of heals to make sure they all had the same defensive potential or you could make heals not get to double dip for benefits. So they removed the criticals from fighter heals.

    They could have also fixed it by making Fighter heals not benefit from Ability Reuse, +Ability and Potency, however they had to be capped somehow and this was the most easily understood solution. Again this is not necessarily my opinion, this is just what I remember of the official reason given for the nerf.
  11. ARCHIVED-Britty Guest

    InsaneChaosMarine wrote:
    Simple. Because SOE want healers to do the crit healing. You do the tanking, just like youre meant to do.
    You wanna crit heal? Play a healer.
  12. ARCHIVED-Ironcleaver Guest

    Britty wrote:
    But then the argument can be made: Take melee critting away from healers, if you want to melee crit play a melee damage class; artificial caps all-a-round! (and yes there are some insane healers out there doing incredible damage).
    Same logic right? I'd bet that would go over well.
    Again artifical caps are just bandaid fixes, and a poor ones at that, it's the lazy solution. They could take a day or two, really think things out and fix them properly. I'd rather have them completely redesign all fighter heals, or turn them into something else, then have them artificially capped. I'd also rather have them work on poor design flaws like these then going back and redesigning old game content again and again.
    I'm not OVERALLY upset at the state of paladin heals but they could be implmented so much better, same could be said for all figher related healing abilities.
  13. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Yes, Mages can also heal Crit wards that are powerful (up to 20k), and scouts can heal themselves constantly for 10k with poisons!

    Scouts are out healing Shadowknights right now, makes sense right?!
  14. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Scouts and Mages are also tanking zones this expac, because its far easier just to kill a mob before it can do anything for easy zones, since they don't do much damage, my healer can easily do ascent/TOFS1/Pools with no tank.
  15. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    there is a way to increase the proc chance by 25%+15%, pretty much means every time they swing they get a .. lets do the math.

    I have Ability mod, 110% Potency/120%Crit bonus, Scouts have a 130% heal crit modifier I think.
    531+Ability mod is half of that, so only 250ish(I did math, its only half of what it could be) would work, so it would be 796 After Ability Mod, then Potency, After Potency it would be 1671, NOW add Heal Crits! 4177!.
    its pretty much 4177 Healing and double that in damage, its proc rate is about 40% after buffs, they swing with 2 weapons.
    I don't know about you, but that one poison is better healing then all of Shadowknight's Abilitys Combined.

    The only bad thing is the cost of poisons.. but I have 1350p sitting in my bank...
  16. ARCHIVED-Britty Guest

    Talathion@Antonia Bayle wrote:
  17. ARCHIVED-Britty Guest

    Britty wrote:
  18. ARCHIVED-Bruener Guest

    Britty wrote:
    600 hps is over 6x what I get from my lifetaps.
    Just another issue that people seem to want to bash SKs for when in fact you are completely wrong because as a SK in SF with heal crits I was lucky to get 150 hps while tanking in raids with a 2h. When you talk about out healing healers in a zone it was most likely a Bezerker or as pointed out probably an extremely geared tank with self proc wards going off like crazy.
    Don't worry, I am sure this is just another mechanic that is going to be addressed soon.
  19. ARCHIVED-Britty Guest

    Bruener wrote:
    Not bashing SK's. You guys just like to whine. I'm not completely wrong, your SK isn't everyones SK and I don't see why you're complaining about doing 150hps pre crit mod and doing 100 hps post. You're crying over 50 hps lost? Then it may surprise you to realise there are a lot better SK's out there than you. I raid with an SK and she was pulling numbers comparable to the healers pre heal crit mod.
    Post heal crit mod she does just as well. She gets in front of the mob and tanks, like a tank should be. The good SK's wern't really affected that badly. The bad ones come here and whine.
  20. ARCHIVED-Bruener Guest

    Britty wrote:
    Well you did get one thing right. The good SKs weren't really affected that badly because as I explained before the little amount SKs actually healed on raids was just cut in half. So yeah. Instead of that 150-200 hps from lifetaps in raids it dropped down to 70-100 hps.
    That is the point really. The heal crit nerf was unneeded change because the obvious problem was a lot of loaded up ward gear.
    Odds are the only reason your friend the SK is probably good is because of us that put together info and push for the fixes that need to happen.
    Luv that argument SKs pulling up numbers like healers...LOL. 80% of the heals coming from gear alone and maybe they could heal for 1/4 of what a real healer pulls off. Really the nerf prob happened because of misinformed people like yourself that couldn't figure out how a SK could kill some easy heroic solo.