Why Cannot we have a super Unbalanced class - That...

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-dancemice, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-dancemice Guest

    Takes Considerablly more experience to level?
    Why is it this class must always equal that class?
    Why not have a super class that takes 10,000 times the amount of experience to raise as say your average eq2 class. If i could kill heroics all day long and have fun doing it, I'd play that class just for that reason.
    Oh yeah, If you want to suggest that people would be farming with these chars, Sure, you could just reduce the loot dropped for that class only, Or have loot vaule gained count as exp. (per copper, and be consumed)
  2. ARCHIVED-Jalek Guest

    Tbiggs@Blackburrow wrote:
    Welcome to Jedi in SWG Pre CU. Of course in SWG it had its balances (forced PVP) whereas here it wouldnt.

    It was great fun but the trouble it caused was more than it was worth so 'alpha classes' get a big no from me.
  3. ARCHIVED-Quda Guest

    A few reasons, even if it was 10,000 times harder to level, there are people that would do it.
    Example: Fastest Sarnak to hit 80, was within 4 days. That is 4 days after the expansion came out there was a level 80 Sarnak.

    Also, if you want to kill heroics, then create a class that can, it is more of a challenage not being a super class, but it is possible. Corceres(sp?) have been known to kill orange ^^^.
  4. ARCHIVED-Besual Guest

    Quda wrote:
    Hm, 10,000 times as long could work: 4 days x 10,000 = 40,000 days or 110 years.
  5. ARCHIVED-Tamo Guest

    I think the point Quda is trying to make is that it is already so damn easy to level in this game... that even if you made an uber class, with .00001% of the xp gained of a normal class. Some person would level them to 80 in 1-2 months and throw the entire... unbalanced, system that we have out of whack
  6. ARCHIVED-SaraBH Guest

    If you want the uber class just for fun? Go do Harclaves in splitpaw
  7. ARCHIVED-Kratoswrath Guest

    You already have em.
    For PVP are called: Swashbuckler, Brigand.
    And for PVE: Coercer.
    And they dont have any xp penaly xD.
    You can aslo chose the underpowered clases, they are more fun! Its a pity ppl always want easy mode and overpowered things.
    Dead to the selfish loothungry exiles!!!
  8. ARCHIVED-Dreadpatch Guest

    LOL PVE Coercer LOL
  9. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    Dreadpatch wrote:
    Ever seen a coercer solo a fwe orangecon heroics at the same time? ;)
  10. ARCHIVED-TorturedOne21 Guest

    For the above memtioned reasons, there would be people who power-game the bejesus out of them to get them to lvl 80, and they would then become the toast of the raid to the point where other classes are not needed. There would be alienation between the people who have the time and resources to powergame their super character and the people do not have the resources to powergame their character, leading to an incredibly polarized online community.
    I'm sorry to say this, but tough raids are incredibly mathematical; you either make the cut or you don't. You are either decked out in full fabled gear, or you're not. Having an alpha class would only exacerbate this situation.
    I would rather see classes kept balanced, but made less interdependent on one another. A group who can not find a healer ends up sitting on their butts. Groups without nukers take forever. I think DnD 4th edition has the right idea when they are making characters that are capable of doing things on their own, but are complemented when they are grouped with another player.
  11. ARCHIVED-Catharsis Guest

    Thoughts? You're looking for a single-player game. Fact of the matter is as long as you share game space with others, the classes need to be balanced.
  12. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    You mean like a Beastlord Class where the Pet takes half the XP for his own AA's and levels?

    I can see it now: "Mouse why did you take 3 levels in control Beastlord!!!*

  13. ARCHIVED-Meirril Guest

    One thing to consider: having a super class around would make balancing encounters even more difficult for development. They would start considering "is this content too easy or too hard for the super class?". What about groups with super class in it? Could super class even group?
    That would be the ultimate control on any super class. Just deny them the ability to group with others. Sure, they are as powerful as 4 other people but they will never know raid content.
    However, this kinda defeats the purpose of an MMO. What good is it playing on servers with other people if you don't interact with them? And forget about having these on PvP servers! Just because you level slower doesn't mean you arn't griefing people in your level range. It just means you get longer to refine your tactics before new skills make you adjust!
    Just all around, its a bad fit for EQ2.