Why can people level to 100 in Dungeon Maker?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Mizgamer62, Nov 11, 2014.

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  1. Alenna Well-Known Member

    btw unless you are 96 the SS nerf wont' effet teh xp it only effects it once you reach 96 which is why those who are doing the DMS are now going to them becuase SS wont' give htem what htey want would you have wanted them to keep it as is so that those 96+ kept SS locked down so you couldn't finish the questline? or would you rather be able to finish the questline in peace HMM?
  2. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    I don't think it should be condoned just because people have found ways around the simple progression of questing.

    I do think that the fundamental element of progression has to be kept in the game. I'm not asking for strict adherence to some of the things we've had to endure in the past, but I do think it's ludicrous for people to assume that blazing through 5 levels to cap in 1 to 2 hours should be an acceptable part of gameplay.

    First off, the amount of typos made my eyes bleed. Secondly, I am not telling anyone how to play the game. I am voicing my opinion on what I think is an imbalance in the game. An imbalance that makes the game just as easy as all of the other imbalances in the past have made the game for people. Finally, I have every right to post within the rules on this site. If a mod thinks I am out of order, they will definitely let me know.

    I am still enjoying the game... well, not at the moment because I'm at work procrastinating. The fact is that easy mode stuff like this only helps erode the quality and content of the game. It takes substance away and replaces it with the ridiculous PLVL AOE TOV MADNESS GREAT XP AND AA, 700 TOKENS A RUN bland dungeon maker instances with 40 mobs stacked on top of each other in every corner of each room.
    Gaealiege likes this.
  3. Alenna Well-Known Member

    Who is FORCING you to use DMs vaninamoinen NO one is. How has the quality of the game eroded. There is still plenty of engaging content for all to enjoy if they want to. Play your way no one is forcing you to play their way but it seems to me as if you want to force others to play your way and that my good sir shows nothing but arrogance that you think your way is the only way. If you aren't saying that then you need to step back and find out why it bothers you that someone has a different way to enjoy the game then you do.
  4. Atan Well-Known Member

    Yeah, if there weren't multiple other ways to get max level in a minimal effort (less than 20 hours of playtime), it would be one thing to complain. But given how you can finish the quest lines and be level 98 after 10 hours or less of questing, and ample solo/duo/heroic activities to continue on and reach max level without too much effort, no one is holding a gun to anyone's head saying if you don't DM, you can't play the game or move at a reasonable pace.

    There will always be some paths that are faster than others, but providing the quest lines and content are not unreasonable, there really isn't anything to complain about IMO.
    Alenna likes this.
  5. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    If I keep stating my reasoning and you keep dismissing it and asking for my reasons, I guess you win the internet for today.

    This is how it should work, shouldn't it? As far as the basic premise of things go. It isn't comparable to the 1 or 2 hours of DM leveling that's going on.
    Gaealiege and Charlice like this.
  6. SOE-MOD-02 Member

    This thread is no longer giving any new constructive feedback. I am going to close it now.
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