Which plate healer can solo better?

Discussion in 'General Priest Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Jrkh8er, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Jrkh8er Guest

    I wanna make a plate healer. Of course I don't plan on soloing all the way, but I have to accept the fact that I'm not going to find a group every time I want one. So, which class can solo better: Templars or Inquisitors? I've been playing this game for years, and the plate healers are among the few classes that I've never played to at least 20-30.

    EDIT: Eh, I'll take this to the class boards.
  2. ARCHIVED-Vidar64 Guest

    I played an inquisitor up until last November when I betrayed to templar to help out my guild's raid force. From my experiences, inquisitor soloes much better than the templar though templar has improved a lot since TSO came out. The one advantage that the templar has is better survivability when things go bad.
  3. ARCHIVED-Lord Hackenslash Guest

    I have both a templar and inquisitor and really it is a very small difference between them for solo content. my temp actually does more damage with nuking but not by a huge margin. the biggest difference is the templar can solo with only castign lotto heals and the inquis needs to cast reactives. It more comes to playstyle. Templars do better with spells and Inquis tends to do better with combat arts. in fact i liked playing the templar so much my next character was a mage and i really enjoyed the mix of ranged DPS with the survivability of the templar. Of course if i want to be lazy the Inquis is a much easier character to solo on as i can simply cast a reactive on myself and then autoattack with fanatisism up