Which crafting path for a monk?

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-Juriel, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Juriel Guest

    I'm a Brawler aiming to be a Monk. I had decided to go for Outfitter-Tailor, but...I'd like to know what you think of the different crafting paths, as a monk.

    Can you make better cloth/leather armor than you could generally find? Or at least make different-looking outfits, so you can at least use your skills for style? Or is none of them really necessary, as you can get what you want with money in any case?
  2. ARCHIVED-Diggen Guest

    I will probably choose sage so I can scribe my combat arts upgrades.
  3. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    I'm 21 monk / 10 outfitter so if I get loot armor drops I can craft the armor myself.
  4. ARCHIVED-Loneni Guest

    I went Craftsman so I could design my own bo.