Where to solo at 21

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-Haydn78, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Haydn78 Guest

    i'm currently grouping in FG and I can't take it anymore I want to solo badly. Where is a good spot for a wiz to solo at 21?
  2. ARCHIVED-Baalzevuv Guest

    West beach in the Thundering Steppes :) Crabbies. Watch out for the named Hawk in that area, though. Windfeather I believe.

    At L23, move to tower four and take on the solo skeles in that area.
  3. ARCHIVED-IllusiveThoughts Guest


    solo beetles, snakes, crabs, deer,

    grab a quest from the guy at the ent from atonica zone in, and get more xp for killing specific mobs.