Where to get the "Tradeskill Apprentice Master Book" (recipe book)

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by quester770, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. quester770 Member

    Specifically this


    Doesn't say where you can get it. I'm not sure with this


    if by advanced recipe books, where it lists it tier by tier, if it means this specific book I linked to, or whether it's just the normal advanced recipes- for example, a tier 3 book of 20-30th level armorer recipes would have the steel Master Crafted stuff (I already have all the advanced crafting ones for armorer)
  2. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    It looks to be a made-up book for the purpose of keeping everything together on the site listing. In-game, each of those items has its own book. They just added their own categories for the purpose of simplifying searches.
  3. Ragna Well-Known Member

    Either that or it's a betabuffing bauble. Anyway, you won't find that on a live server.

    Edit : you won't find any of these recipes in a book, they all come from AoD's research apprentices.