Where to find equipment info

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-The Blueberry, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-The Blueberry Guest

    Here's a question for everyone out there. As a vetran of EQ1, we always had Alla or similiar sites to help us research equipment that would be good upgrades for us. I know ogaming has some equipment info, but it's not easy to find good upgrades for a specific slot on thier page.

    Is there anywhere else that has a good equipment catalog?

    Is there a good list someplace of the best wizard items?
  2. ARCHIVED-RayneWaeter Guest

    ogaming is a nice site for quest info.
  3. ARCHIVED-FightClubber Guest

    I'd like an answer to this question too - ogaming is just too hard to find the right upgrades... I'd almost rather just browse the market every day than rely on that... but that makes planning ahead very tough.
    A good site with per-slot, thorough equipment listings which allows search by various stat ratings (like Alla for eq1!) would be awesome.
  4. ARCHIVED-Antaios Guest

    Well, how many infos did you submit to one of these sites? Ogaming is the best site imo, but still a lot of stuff is lacking, mainly because people don't bother to make pictures and submit them.
  5. ARCHIVED-HairyDustBall Guest

    Actually ogaming has some great search options for finding things. Set your class to wiz and set int to >8 this will allow you to see all int items with an int greater than 8 a wizzard can use and where it comes from.
  6. ARCHIVED-TooFarGone Guest

    I stopped using ogaming for items, I can't always trust them to be accurate, or complete. The screenshots/info generally lags behind the actual in game stuff (which is reasonable: people need to update the info and things will be skipped, missed, or no one will have current info on it). For my needs, I generally inspect other wizzies to see what they are wearing, and ask them to link items for me in order to get complete info.

    I wish there were a way to query what is currently in-game from an SOE provided resource. (Maybe a big honkin item database, updated with every item change? Web front-end API for the queries? I can dream can't I =P )
  7. ARCHIVED-Epofhis Guest

    Alla has a fairly nice EQ2 site.................
  8. ARCHIVED-Ghostbeard Guest

    Game sites are apparently no longer allowed to use programs to harvest the data from the game the way the old EQ1 sites used to.

    This forces current game sites to rely solely on player submitted input only - which is spotty at best.

    It's one of the reasons that I'll never feel the way about EQ2 that I did about EQ1.

    As a hard-core player I used to spend my spare time and lunch hours at work - looking up equipment and quest and beastiary data - and plotting my playing time for that evening. It was great.

    Now that all the websites suck - I can't do that. Consequently - I enjoy the game less.

    It was an incredibly stupid move really - as it destroyed many venues of FREE advertising - and undermines the fan bases ability to enjoy the game to some degree.

    Ah well...

    Hopefully all the other MMORPG's in the works will take a lesson.

  9. ARCHIVED-smogfire Guest

    How do you decide when to replace something?
    I know when it is grey it goes but how do you plan. Spend time shopping the market each level?

    I have noticed when you browse the market items show the old green-blue-white-yellow-orange con system for just a second.
    I like to know my current armor is in the green and start shopping for white (old con white) or above.

    Any suggestions?

  10. ARCHIVED-TooFarGone Guest

    Sorry to continue derailing this thread, but man this is an area that could definately be improved. If we had access to current info on the web, that would be sweet. Add in a broker-like interface where we can sort by our class/level/whatever, and man. Awesome. I'd spend some of my free time browsing it too. I think websites that rely on player contributed data are a good idea, but will always be lacking and untrustworthy due to the game changing so often. Like you, I have free time out of game that I'd love to use plotting my purchase of new gear... I currently have to do it in game, on the broker, or by inspecting other players. As fun as that is, it is lacking...only a small portion of items are on the broker at any given time.

    While having all item/spell information at my disposal may take away some of the "wow" of seeing certain items for the first time, I still think it would provide more "wow" factor overall.
  11. ARCHIVED-Ghostbeard Guest

    If you're talking "Wow!" factor, few things IMO could match the "Wow!" factor of looking up that piece of uber-gear and researching where it dropped, tactics, quest, access flags etc., then rushing home to log on and start putting your raid crew together, designing and executing the raid, and pulling it all off.

    To me THAT was one of the most exciting parts of the game in EQ1.

    Now... you can't really do that anymore. At least not like you could before.

    I'm always so disappointed when I learn about a new piece of gear or a new quest - and then go hunting for information on it on the web - only to come up with crappy info - if any at all.

    Ah well...

    Like I said... I'm sure that other games will take note, and mark the lesson.

  12. ARCHIVED-brow27 Guest

    Searching the broker is really a good thing. I just set it to Wizard, levels 40-60, with the special modifier field set to Int. Last night I found (and bought) a hat with +17 int. I was amazed.
  13. ARCHIVED-TooFarGone Guest

    I do that too, and it can be fun, but it is a HUGE time sink. You only get to see what's currently there, so you need to check constantly if you want to find something at a decent price.