where is Shipped pre-order SF, isnt we getting 7 days early?

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Tyrus Dracofire, Feb 9, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-DarkDragonVvvV Guest

    I ordered mine off Gamestop website with overnight ship. I am assuming that they are shiping them on the 15th after 11am cst.
    The Collectors edition has the following text:

    "Pre-order Everquest II: Sentinels Fate by February 15 at 11am CST with overnight shipping and get guaranteed delivery on the street date of February 16! If your product does not arrive on the street date, we will fully refund your shipping charge. Continental United States only. Must have Overnight Service available in your area. Offer void if you are unable to accept a delivery that was attempted. Not responsible for orders delayed due to inclement weather, incorrect address, or credit card information."

    Course, if you live on the east coast atm you may be SOL.
  2. ARCHIVED-irish Guest

    Yea they talking about another possible snowstorm for the northeast monday night. Though most of the gamestops and Best Buy's in the Philadelphia area already have the boxes in the back. Would be nice if they were allowed to sell them now or early.
  3. ARCHIVED-urgthock Guest

    TheSpin wrote:
    Having worked as a manager in a retail environment for many years (granted... many years ago); most new release games were received either the Friday, Saturday or Monday prior to release. Retail stores that are going to be carrying it should have it when they open on Tuesday. With this coming Monday being president's day, I would not be surprised if retail stores receive the product Friday or Saturday.
  4. ARCHIVED-Hecula Guest

    irish wrote:
    A few finskies to the retail clerk the night before might get you a positive response.
  5. ARCHIVED-DngrMouse Guest

    Maroger wrote:
    You should cancel that order, and redo it. There's an option for shipping that guarantees delivery on the 16th.
  6. ARCHIVED-Tyrus Dracofire Guest

    15th? good luck on that one, national holiday, President's Day.
    most goverment facility are closed, post office are one of them.
  7. ARCHIVED-Gladiolus Guest

    So much easier if the boxes were just sold in the week or two before release, and digital download available at the same time. Then on release day, Sony activates it. Too simple, I suppose.
  8. ARCHIVED-Miss_Jackie Guest

    Tyrus@Butcherblock wrote:
    February 16th is the 7 day pre-released launch date, not earlier.
  9. ARCHIVED-Mandikins Guest

    Where can I find the option on Amazon to get it by the release date? I could not find that option and eventually canceled my order.
    Thanks for any help.
  10. ARCHIVED-Obadiah Guest

    Oryx@Vox wrote:
    It's when you choose your shipping method. It may be too late now, I'm not seeing it honestly. But the option was there yesterday when I went through the motions on the website.
  11. ARCHIVED-Mandikins Guest

    Oh poopers. Ok, thank you!
  12. ARCHIVED-Drash Guest

    Maroger wrote:
    (emphasis mine)
    I also preordered (the Collector's Edition) from Amazon.com, and there was a notation next to the shipping options indicating that choosing the 'Free Super Saver' shipping option would delay delivery - for an extra 5 dollars and change (above the Free Super Saver), they've stated that it'll be at my front door on the 16th. I usually go with the free shipping from Amazon too, but not this time.
  13. ARCHIVED-Wingrider01 Guest

    TheSpin wrote:
    Who ever you talked to at Best Buy gave you the standard misinformed line, or was just to lazy to verify it in their system. Interesting that according to who ever "best buy wouldn't be carryig it" when their website specificly shows online order for delievery or store pickup. BB sales weasels, like newspapers should only be believed every one in a million comments.
    As far as the other retail outlets, can only speak to those that I personally know the managers in a social environment, they all have the display boxes. Preordered 3 collectors and 3 regular for my accounts, and hedged my bet with both online order and retail store orders
  14. ARCHIVED-Wingrider01 Guest

    Kurgan@Everfrost wrote:
    it has the qualification of retail box
  15. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    Wingrider01 wrote:
    Don't be absurd. The release date at Amazon.com, BestBuy.com, GameStop.com, SOE's own website is all FEBRUARY 16, 2010.
    The only place February 23rd comes into play is the Digital Download. It is a penalty for not buying the retail. And it has been such a problem that they are now having to honor the Digital Download on Feb 16th for any person outside the United States and Canada.
    Actually, the only one who thought the release date was anything other than February 16th was Best Buy. They initially listed the release date as February 17th. Not the first time. Last year, all the folks who pre-ordered The Shadow Odyssey from Best Buy were turned away and told to come back tomorrow. GameStop got a lot of business that day from angry Best Buy customers.
    The problem is, SOE Marketing put out some survey questions asking "Would you like to see EQ2 have a bigger retail presence?" and everyone said "Yes!". But they didn't think to ask customers "Would you be willing to be screwed on the Digital Download in order to have a bigger retail presence?" The overwhelming majority of customers would have voted it down. The decision to favor the retail so strongly was based on a faulty survey. Also, they forgot that they should maybe have an international distributor and international sales strategy BEFORE announcing this situation. But I guess they had other things to market, like DC Universe and The Agency neither of which even HAVE a release date.
    DngrMouse wrote:
    Yes, for $5-20+ depending where you live.
    Fortunately some stores are starting to carry Sentinel's Fate on shelves already. I'm very glad to see this. This is exactly what should have happened -- Sentinel's Fate should have been available for purchase or pre-order on February 9th. Plenty of time to ship internationally.
  16. ARCHIVED-Lantis Guest

    Amazon.ca shows it as available on the 16th.
    So, I pre-ordered, and chose Express Shipping.
    Estimated shipping date: Feb 19th.
    Estimated delivery date: Feb 23rd.
    This is a bit ridiculous, since I would only receive it on the very same day I could just buy it right from Station.com... Right now I can't find a single clear way to get it on the 16th or 17th in Canada. All I see are DD methods for people who are not from North America.
  17. ARCHIVED-DngrMouse Guest

    feldon30 wrote:
    I have two copies on order with Amazon. One has the release date shipping, the other does'nt. Difference in price: One dollar.
  18. ARCHIVED-Lantis Guest

    Just as an update to my previous post: I contacted Amazon.ca, and they said that the Feb 19th shipping date was an error, and their developpers would work on fixing that.
    So Amazon.ca should be another valid option (in addition to Gamestop.ca) to get it in Canada.
  19. ARCHIVED-Paddyo Guest

  20. ARCHIVED-Paddyo Guest

    Of course, in the above link they call it "Sentinal's Journey"...maybe that's the NEXT expansion, featuring Velious?!!?!