Where is my new mercenary?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Catatonia, Dec 21, 2020.

  1. Catatonia Member

    Simply put...
    Paid for Collectors edition of the new expansion...
    The mercenary is supposed to be claimable on all my characters...
    There was no level restriction on characters that could use it...
    The mercenary had ** after it's name...
    Bottom of page says
    ** Available for claim at the launch of the expansion
    So there was a token in /claim which I claimed on all my characters...
    Claimed it, never heard of the location where it is located...
    Am told the mercenary is located on the moon? Really?
    Is that what claimable at launch means?
    I am posting this in the bug thread, in hopes that this is a bug and not intentional...
    Especially considering everything else with that ** flag was claimable and usable at launch....
    The mount, the pet, the house, even the furniture, all claimable and usable at launch...
    I don't think claimable at launch meant that you would actually launch it to the moon...
    Could you please address this issue and fix this...
    Carynn likes this.
  2. Trilly Active Member

    are you talking about spirit walker? she is located at the far end of echo caverns..by the waterfall section. you have to go get her like the others. At least I did.
    WhysperWynde likes this.
  3. Catatonia Member

    I know you meant well by telling me where it is...
    But where it is, isn’t accessible by any of my characters...
    It’s a level restricted zone...
    Other players couldn’t even use Call of the Veteran to get me there...
    Which means, it’s not claimable at launch...
    If they had meant the mercenary to be used only by max level characters they would have mentioned it on the page where they promoted the expansion...
  4. Zartil Active Member

    Both the mercs from this expansion are in Echo Cavern.... ALL mercs from day one have required you to go to their location to hire them and all mercs from expansions require you to be able to access the new zones. But the website does not say this. IF you actually got on before the hotfix ( Thursday the 17th) you could CoV or use a Guild Rally banner to get to the new mercs on lower level characters (I used both the 1st 2 days) Real Life prevented me from getting them on all my lower level characters. Then the hot fix happened and it locked them down. Darkpaw needs to reset it so EVERYONE that paid for the mercs can get them. I have had to level up several characters to 120 to get them, this is blatantly unfair.
    WhysperWynde and Juraiya like this.
  5. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Not 100%. The coercer we got from one of the Fan Faires you can get in the Mercenary Deb, ditto the 10 Year Mercs.
  6. LDEffectsMe Active Member

    +1 to this.

    With as much as I like to give the benefit of the doubt, this one fooled me as well. It's been years since I played EQ2 and I wasn't aware that it was common practice to have to go to the new zones to hire Mercs.

    As it stands now, I do feel like it was a bait and switch because nowhere did it disclose you had to be a certain level to access the Mercs we paid extra money for. So I'm forced to run around with some other Mercs until I reach a certain level and can access the Mercs I paid extra money for.

    I'm of the opinion that if I paid extra money for a "fluff" feature, I should either be able to access it immediately or it should be clearly disclosed before I pay my money that I have to be a certain level to use it. Not everyone is an old time veteran that just knows these things.

    In my opinion, all *paid* expansion Mercs should appear in the Rogue's Gallery until you are of a sufficient level to access that expansion. We shouldn't be gated from content we paid extra money for if we weren't told we were going to be before they took our money. That just feels like a basic courtesy.
    Juraiya and Sigrdrifa like this.
  7. Zartil Active Member

    I simply said ALL mercs required you to go to their location to hire them and this is 100% true. The 10 Year merc default location is the merc den area in either Freeport or Qeynos. The fan fair merc was not a commonly available and I have no idea where it is from HOWEVER where ever it comes from is again is its default location. Please take time to read and think about what others have posted.
  8. Catatonia Member

    I feel comforted in knowing that (from this and other message threads that I have read), that I am not alone in feeling that the mercenaries that we paid for should have been accessible to "all of our characters", "at launch" as advertised... I honestly pondered long and hard before buying the Collector's Edition (it's is a lot of money for me) but decided it was my holiday gift to myself... and read and reread what I was getting before I finally caved and opted for the bundle... I had a feeling that it would include zones that would be too high for me to adventure in.. since i did purchase the previous expansion last month, and couldn't zone into it... so I knew that. it was possible, that I might not be able to adventure in this expansion either (since I enjoy playing the lower levels)... So, I looked at the included extras, and figured, new race = new story lines for that race... new city since there was housing included.. and a mercenary from the new race to play alongside my new character... I realized also that it I would be shelling out even more money after I got the expansion, to buy an extra character slot for the new character.. and to unlock the mercenary, and possibly to unlock it on some of my other characters...
    New players and returning players, only have the advertisement page (where we clicked to purchase the expansion), to go by when ordering... and our faith that what we paid for would be delivered, as promised... We aren't experienced or long term players that expect that all expansions are max level products and that no new content would be added for non max characters... and that the mercenary would not only be behind a paywall (buying the expansion) but be only obtainable by max level characters.. so really not available "at launch" nor even remotely usable "one per character" unless all your characters are max level...
    I don't understand why the developers (or customer support) have been silent on the many threads about this.. since, from reading many posts, it effects many player that have bought the more expensive expansion bundles, and cuts to the core of what DBG promises and what it delivers...
    Just be honest with your customers... tell us.. was this a typo on the ordering page? An assumption that anyone buying the expansion stuff had max level characters? A mistake in placement of the mercenary? Just let us know, so that we can use this experience to make informed decisions about purchasing in the future...
    Zartil, Juraiya and Kuulei like this.
  9. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    I agree that it should be accessible to those under level 120 adventurer or level 120 crafter, however I believe it should be unlocked with a completion of either the tradeskill line or adventure line by one character on the account.

    Currently the unlocks you get account-wide only apply to zone access by level 120 adventurers to travel from zone to zone or enter instances without doing the timeline.

    I suggest all do a /bug report and perhaps a /feedback as well while in the game.

    I submitted the following report using /bug

    ITEM -481766425 -872031652 0 0 0:Mercenary Battalion: Reign of Shadows (Healer)

    ITEM 951588906 -1995747872 0 0 0:Mercenary: Chumba Spiritcaller

    Many have purchased the Collector's Edition or Premium Collection of the Reign of Shadows expansion after reading over the purchase page and not seeing any restrictions about the mercenaries included in those purchases, only to find that the "one per character" should have stated BEFORE purchase that it is "one per character level 120 adventurer or 120 crafter" it is misleading and many are posting in the "Bug Report" section of the forums.
    I think this is a [BUG] as it "should" unlock access to the zones at their own risk of course, once the tradeskill or adventure timeline is completed on 1 character on the account.
  10. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    It's not good the way they have it, but that doesn't make it a bug. It's exactly as designed. They are just going to close the bug and tell you to use /feedback or post here.
  11. Catatonia Member

    I wish whomever handles this sort of thing at Daybreak steps up already and clears up this whole issue so that players can put it in the past... To allow this situation to go on for this long, they are just making an already frustrating situation worse... We try to teach our children (which some do play eq2) to step up and face issues head on...
    It's embarrassing to see what's happening.. Is there not an adult at Daybreak that can speak or make decisions.. or correct errors that they made, especially when they took peoples hard earned money at a time when people's budgets are tight.. EQ2 players obviously support and have faith in your game.. please show us the same courtesy and show that you support your players...
    Don't let this go on longer and watch your players fight back and forth about what should and shouldn't be.. step up.. please...
  12. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    I did a /bug /feedback (with same info I posted in bug report) and posted here
    not much more I can do
    Sigrdrifa likes this.
  13. Zarnafien Well-Known Member

    Please make these mercs reside where anyone who purchased them have access to them.

    Terrible decision to have them gated behind level 120.
  14. Zartil Active Member

    Ok so you are saying to get these someone should have to complete the sig time line on one character? Why should that magically unlock something? The fact remains that they need to be available to ALL the players who bought the collectors edition. THEY were on the launch of the expansion by CoV or Guild Rally Banner you could get out there to get them. Then the hotfix on the 17th happened and suddenly they are locked. If people got them on launch whether it was intended or not then ALL players who paid for them SHOULD be able to get them with out having to do anything more. That would be fair. It is not something that in anyway break anything in game just reset so we can CoV or Guild Rally banner to get out there like it was on launch of expansion.
    Tkia, Kuulei and Juraiya like this.
  15. Catatonia Member

    Am bumping this thread in hopes that customer service or developers or someone that can fix things will actually respond... This is really an issue of trust... when part of your business model is to sell virtual items.. and you put those items up for sale... and people pay for them (especially one that says accessible to all characters)... you need to deliver them, not just deliver a token and make the actual item inaccessible... players lose faith when you do things like that.... Please fix or at least be courteous and respond, so that in the future, players can make more informed decisions when buying your virtual items...
    Juraiya and Tkia like this.