WHen will SoE do something about War Fields and The Exiles

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Shadowous Nightwing, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Tyrb0s Guest

    General_Info wrote:
    Why are you replying here about a change that would only effect PVP servers anyway?
  2. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Peak@Nagafen wrote:
    My oppinion matters just as much as yours or his regardless of server. he has perfectly viable options to pursue in regards to pvp. If he wants more world pvp then ask the devs to make it easier to find enemy/friendly in the world itself.
    In SWG they had a sector system which could be easily adapted to the pvp servers. basically they make dozens of sectors for each area give the players tools to report where enemy players are instead of trying to force people to be vulnerable to attack at any time.
    next he'll be asking to allow opposing factions to enter someone's house regardless of privacy settings.
  3. ARCHIVED-Darq Guest

    give them towers or remove WFs, but tbh I kindof like getting 60/90/150 free tokens every 2 hours because I'm lazy like that.
    as it is now exile = organized zerg vs semi organized Qs vs unorganized FPs equals exile win because a stacked group will always have the upper hand vs an unstacked group even more so if all members of one team have played together for a few years and with a leader giving directions. it's utopic to assume that a pick up group or raid will have close to the same performance. it's also utopic to assume that the political situation on nagafen will change, some people don't group with others because of guild affiliation and so on. General_Info, there is no community on Nagafen.
    speaking of WFs, kylong gets boring after 3 years, change WF locations, maybe even randomly. you've just added hotzones with this patch might aswell add or remove towers.
  4. ARCHIVED-ysslik Guest

    Exiles are fine they dont need a tower it wont make a diffrence.
    SOE you did good giving exiles viable in pvp dont listem to them about giving them towers.
  5. ARCHIVED-dale2112 Guest

    Get rid of group pvp!
    Get rid of mentoring!
    Start the server Ill resub.
  6. ARCHIVED-AtlantisCalz Guest

    Exile's make pvp more fun, always have been, leave them alone. I don't see one thing they are bothering except the fact that they got the details down. I see a style in some pvp guilds I don't see from hardly any guilds anymore, which is teamwork. It used to be second nature to assist, carry immunities, and be very mindful of your surroundings. When WF showed up it went into this mindless aoe close your eyes and hope for the best style. The idea that a whole entire group or more actually thinks together and are a faction against everyone and still can win should make you feel the need to set your standards higher not complain about it.
  7. ARCHIVED-frogman Guest

    I personally believe that exiles are killing of the pvp by themselves.... Due to them being so far above everyone when it comes to organization and the fact that the only reason TO be exile is to pvp atm... Reason why alot of people on nagafen would rather go BG then go open world is because many dont like bashing their faces against x3's/x4's and lag the entire time while doing it... By exiles being the best at PVP atm and having a large percentage of the playerbase thats serious about pvp, not many people are going to bother to go out and deal with that when BG's easier/different to play.. I personally feel they should change up WFs and make it something that all three factions can compete against because as it is now people will still go get flagged then go afk either out of laziness, lag issues, or overwhelming numbers against them and if WFs are gotten rid of there wont even be the small pvp that there is now imo
  8. ARCHIVED-Marsten Guest

    Most of you all are completly devoid of any sense of how PVP used to work or should work. First, those who say we stay out of range so we can jump on mounts and fly around, look before making a dumb statement, 90% of us use ground mounts at ALL times when we PVP. 2nd, if all of you havent noticed they implemented PVP hotzones (which currently allows you fly and jump no matter what and we STILL use ground mounts) instead of trying to PVE to get your tokens and PVP GEAR, why not try to actually PVP for it? Also, you see us x3-x4 flagged and think "look at those scrubs have to raid PVP" well we only have to do it cause we are fighting much higher numbers than an x4 and to avoid killing each other while doing this we have to raid up.
    The OP is obviously a PVE player and has no intention of actually PVPing on a PVP server.
    Ive already asked for them to remove BG's from Nagafen and let the PVE servers have em. We should only have the option to get PVP tokens and gear from open world PVP. I didnt roll on this server to grind BG's and fight PVE mobs on towers. I rolled on this server to kill noobs who prefer to grind Bg's and fight PVE mobs on towers...
  9. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    Heh I am just thankful for body drops back.. I avoid that mess out in KP like the plague. Was fun for a bit til I saw familiar FP names now exile.. and I saw Q's doing large numbers, and Exiles doing large numbers.. and a /who on my side would should 11 or so people.
    For FP it really is an excercise in futility atm. But I get plenty of solo kills. Don't like the state of the WF's? The just don't go lol. 60 tokens for 40mins and a loss? Please; you will kill more enemies solo in that time frame. It is a cluster F#$% and we all knew it would be with new PVP gear, the faction jumpers were gonna go where it was easiest to get tokens. It happens every single time, there was no surprise (or at least shouldn't have been for anyone).
    This is a three faction game and it never made sense that exiles did not get rewards for PVPing. People just need to man up and know when and where to face the odds.. and warfields is not the place if you are worried about dying lol.
  10. ARCHIVED-japanfour Guest

    rename this thread "When will I get organized and be able to do something in warfields against the exiles" please.

    Just know that when exiles are out that you better be on your game, I like displaced as its like the only challenging group of people to fight on the server. Yes, they can be killed, its possible, even displaced people know that they arent invincible. Get in vent/VC, organize your group/friends and be tactical. Its that simple, you arent killing NPCs these are players with actual responses to what you are doing. embrace the difficulty in game play and stop asking to throttle it, its just gonna make people quit. If you roll out there with a solid group you can take out an X2 if you are smart about what you are doing, if you aren't you die. Once again, tactics, organization will win you the game instead of not having pvp gear on, be grateful for that.
  11. ARCHIVED-Cloakentuna Guest

    The turn this thread has taken makes me giggle like a little school girl.

    The whole idea of warfields is flawed and broken. At this point, the only reasonable thing to do with them is to scrap the idea and build more off the Hotzone idea. For some reason people seem to need incentive to PvP and the hotzone just isn't providing enough while the WF provides inventive to pve for 5 minutes and claim your free tokens then call home.
  12. ARCHIVED-Baackdoor Guest

    Drog hasnt been to a wf like ever. Ive seen him in one since the update. guess he's mad that he cant pvp using the old discord gear. which he still tires to use.... o_O
  13. ARCHIVED-Proud_Silence Guest

    Ahlana wrote:

    Bad idea from the start to allow being on more then one faction per account ( on pvp servers at least), enabling such an easy way to switch factions just accelerated the demise of pvp.
    With every major change to pvp, be it basic mechanic changes, or ordinary stat/gear resets aka expansions, there was shifts in population amongst all factions. if you've been around long enough, you've seen it.

    Being Fp atm, i have little to no incentive to go to a WF. after GU went a couple times as group, did good until meet another proper grp, have a battle for 2min and start getting swarmed by more and more q's or exiles. after having to accept that PUG pvp won't work out against pre-made grps i started to remain solo because let's be honest, PUG's get you killed super fast.
    that's why its cool to go exile, cause the only reason to go there is to pvp, so obviously, you will find like-minded people there and prevail in pvp against unorganized forces. just stick to your choice and stay in your faction, and stop flopping to wherever the gras is the greenest.
  14. ARCHIVED-Shredderr Guest

    Warfields is not pvp.... its warfields. Don't like it don't do it. BG's is not warfields and not pvp don't like it don't do it. oops but really there is no pvp on a pvp server anymore ...
  15. ARCHIVED-Thetmes Guest

    Couple things Exhile should get no reward for PvP or give it. Its not a faction in my opinion so it sould have nothing there no guilds no ability to group nothing but thats just my opinion.

    Part of the problem I see in WF is I will run into a x2 or better of Q at JW towers. Head for Fens and see a x2 or better of Q there and a x2 of Exile also but I dont see them fighting each other really. Unless the few Duo's or solo Freeps run into the Qey while running from the Exhile.

    Also anouther observation I have seen is it seems that in BG's certian players/groups are easier to kill. Than if you run into them out in open world PvP. I know the rule set is differant for BG's than open world PvP ( or it used to be ) still find it odd though when you can take down a stacked group in BG's with the same group you cannot scratch them with in open world PvP. I wonder what would cause that.................
  16. ARCHIVED-Baackdoor Guest

    Kimber@Nagafen wrote:
    Please refrain from posting if all you are going to do is make stupid posts such as ^. thanks
  17. ARCHIVED-Thetmes Guest

    Baackdoor wrote:
    Just stating my opinion and what I have seen going on. I am not saying the the Qey and Exile do not fight each other just that I have yet to see it. As for the last part of my post. Try it out unless you are total scrub and cannot kill anyone in the first place you may find out the same thing I am pretty sure I know what it is as well as you do. For instance you run into play X out in the open world you are both solo all the sudden you get laggy you do the best you can to Debuff em and pop your CA's and you bearly take em down 5% next thing you know you are dead. Run into player X in BG's say Smugglers off to the side both of you are far enough away so no group buffs. No lagg Debuffs land and you have a good fight sometimes you win others you loose but you both go down to under 10% health so its a good fight. Now explain that to me I know what it is some people/groups/guilds still use em others dont its on both sides and some exile do it to. While I actually prefer open world PvP I find I get a better and fair fight against all in BG's vice open world. If only SoE would impliment and moniter whatever they are doing on the BG servers on Naggy then I think open world PvP would really thrive again. Untill then I will take the occasional fight I can find in open world and do my best to avoid those that I know cause problems while out and about.
    Edit to add by fair fight I mean lagg free no hax fight. Dont get me wrong I have been 2-3 shotted I think we all have at 1 point and I know what a legit 2-3 shot looks like I also know what hax look like. Anyone that has been playing on Naggy for more than 6 months should know the diff.