What's this week's Weekly Feature?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Bloodguts, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping it's HK Contested!
  2. SgtPmpkn Well-Known Member

    Negative Nightrider. Seemed it was Bristlebane April 1st day event(s). Nothing else has been patched yet. Contested HK will be in later this month along with 10 additional AA's for those at lvl 95.
  3. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    They did push through some sort of patch Wednesday night. I've yet to figure out what changes my loader loaded and patched, though.
  4. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Bristlebane day as the weekly feature for 2 weeks, awesome! Everyone be sure to thank SJ for all this extra stuff we're getting.
  5. SgtPmpkn Well-Known Member

    Hopefully there are update notes coming in soon for this week's update possible Thursday? If not, second week with no weekly feature.
  6. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    I thought an extra 10 AA was last week's feature.
  7. SgtPmpkn Well-Known Member

    It was, the week before we had no weekly feature, which was the start of this thread.
  8. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    No hotfix this week, which presumably means no weekly feature. HK and a new HQ will come in next week's update. The 10 AAs are already live.
  9. SgtPmpkn Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I went back and read SJ's post on the changes to patches and they stated each week and month there WILL be a new feature... but then another paragraph down they state they will do their best to keep to this schedule. Now I am in no way wanting the Devs to kill themselves as when I read this I was thinking this was crazy, but hey SJ said it. I want quality, not quantity, but why say it and not do it? Now I think the second paragraph covers their behinds when they skip a week's feature, but meh.
  10. konofo Active Member

    Bunnies, tho.
  11. SgtPmpkn Well-Known Member

  12. Azian Well-Known Member

    Complete aside for my random musing here. Your comment made me ponder what Top Gun (Negative, Ghostrider the pattern is full) would have been like if Tom Cruise had been replaced by David Hasselhoff (Nightrider). :p
    Naudi likes this.
  13. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Because SOE is big on promises and shite on delivery. He also said they have detailed schedules for the weekly and monthly releases. If that were really the case, we wouldn't have had two weeks with only Bristlebane day, and a skipped week this week. :rolleyes:
    Avirodar likes this.
  14. Luceus Member

    I knew the 'weekly update' thing would not last. Pretty soon it's going to be a 'monthly update' and then an update 3x a year + expansion.... Then SJ will make a post promising quicker updates, we'll get them for about 2 weeks, and repeat the cycle. Gotta love EQ2 dev team
  15. Thalador Active Member

    Was anyone really surprised?
  16. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    Seem to remember that there was a post that stated all updates would be held on the games until after the all access conversion, the last set of patch notes where from 04/07 and there was nothing from today so the down time may have been pre-work before the conversion
  17. Maltaros Active Member

    My question would be why should a change that should only affect the account management servers have any affect on doing things to the game server.
  18. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Something about UI elements I think. They're probably worried if they patch something now that the new UI pieces they've created will break and need to be fixed. /shrug

    That said, two weeks of bristlebane day pretty much counts as no weekly features too, and they didn't even offer up an excuse for that one.
  19. Maltaros Active Member

    Why would the UI be affected? All-Access already exists and I don't think it has a special UI. Even if it did, it already exists - we are all just basically getting an upgrade.
  20. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Luperza posted in this thread: