What's the highest sustained HPS you;ve ever seen on a single target?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Montag, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Mktavish01 Member

    So basically your asking people to do the math work for you.
    What is possible is found from doing the math with the given stats. And then assuming the incoming damage will equal the heal potential. You can't replenish the health pool if it isn't depleted. So output damage would also have to be perfectly balanced.
    The druids have the most heal potential ... but it often gets wasted.
    Huge direct heals cannot be maintained as long as Hot's.
    And in my experience the warden does the best job of maintaining heal tics per 2 second round. While also maintaining the power pool. But with a damage spike the warden would struggle compared to other priests ... however timed right I think its about 5 hot ticks they can have stacked at one time. And even maintain it for awhile. Hence using group heals still work for single target healing when you can spare the pwr cost.
  2. Arieste Well-Known Member

    i've done 250k on ragefire, sustained over 9 minutes, that's with another healer in group doing ~200 and a zerker also near there.

    i've never done the conjurer thing. how long was the fury's conjurer fight time? (so i can test it for same length).
  3. Montag Well-Known Member

    I don't know why people keep assuming I was asking anything other than the very specific question so clearly asked. I don't really care any more but this board moves so slowly that when I come back every week or two it's still on the front page so I feel like I might as well respond.

    The point of my original question was just to get a very crude idea of what kind of numbers people see as max single heal in various situations. Like a week tank plus strong healer, etc. Not mathcraft theoretical heal potential.

    And Thanks Arieste for answering the question!
  4. Arieste Well-Known Member

    On the creature conjurer, soloing the the assassin, i was doing about 125k hps over 3-4 minutes. A fury would obviously take more damage than a defiler due to dif armor type.
  5. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Not sure why you are so keen on HPS numbers anyway, they don't exactly mean a lot.

    x2 in HKC on my Zerker (Mystic then Warden other healers)


  6. Gash Active Member

    the best possible HPS is "nobody died". Any more is irrelevant, and potentially a waste
    (heavy healing through a Lifeburn is one possible exception)
  7. SacDaddy420 Active Member

    >be inquisitor
    >fight Armahtal at end of VD
    >cast DG
    >cast Inquisition
    >proc heals by doing more DPS/Prepared Defenses
    >Have everybody but the tank stand in fire and keep parsing
    >cast Equilibrium
  8. Plinc Active Member

    Paladin + 5 charm classes (druids/coercer) vs X2 Ragefire = >2Mio sustained HPS for the Paladin