What To Do Now?

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by ARCHIVED-Taranwen, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Taranwen Guest

    I L-O-V-E my sig that Ketheara made for me a bit ago...but i just recently gave my mouse a bit of a face lift and would love my sig to reflect my new look. But it seems that Keth went and got a life?!...who does that! i dont wanna disrespect her by going to another artist i just sorta wanna lil sprucing with my new made over mouse....not sure if i should just leave well enough alone /sigh

    any suggestions?
    what is proper sig ediquette?
  2. ARCHIVED-Seagoat Guest

    The proper etiquette would probably be something along these lines:
    1. Contact the artist who made your sig and ask them to change it.
    2. If they can't (or don't want to) change it, ask them if it's ok that you approach another artist to have it changed.
    3. If they say it's ok, let them know which artist you'd like to go with. Also let the new artist know that you got permission from the original artist to alter the file.
    4. If necessary, the new artist will contact the old artist to see if they can obtain any of the "working" files (character manips, layered version, etc.). Many artists won't need to do that, however, and can probably just make changes to the existing final image (depending on what needs to be changed and how adept they are with their graphics program of choice).
    I personally wouldn't mind sharing my original file with another artist, but then again, I'm usually the one making changes to sigs I've made in the past. :) Hope this helps!
    If, for some reason, you can't get in touch with the old artist and/or you don't receive any reply from them in a reasonable amount of time (a week or so), I'd imagine it would be ok to go ahead and approach another artist about making the changes you're after. If anything comes up later, at least you've covered your...actions...and can say that you did try to reach them first.
    Fellow artists, anything to add?
  3. ARCHIVED-SapphireSniper Guest

    Sounds right to me :) It's what i would do!
  4. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    <nods> Sounds about right to me as well. I never have any problems sharing the working file of anything I do if they want to make minor changes.
  5. ARCHIVED-Taranwen Guest

    Thanks for the advice all...didnt wanna step on any toes :) ... ketheara did an amazing job...i just think she's busy with real life stuff...i'll send her a message..