What mob is this?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Pixiewrath, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Pixiewrath Active Member

    In this loading screen there is a mob I can't remember seeing in the game. Does anyone know what it is and where to find it? Or is this yet another case of "lost in beta" art screens?

    I DID manage to find a mob looking like it. It's called an Argonaut. But the problem with it is that it's from the wrong game, namely Planet Calypso... So... Help? T_T

  2. Athenia Well-Known Member

    If I'm thinkin straight it's [Cazic Thule]. I think it's Shard of Fear where you may be able to take a glimpse of him? Or some version of that instance?
  3. Athenia Well-Known Member

  4. Pixiewrath Active Member

    So he is spreading his fear even in another game with small clones of himself? Now that is true power...
  5. alQamar Active Member

    The gallery Athenia linked even contains the picture from the loading screen. Since the loading screen also features Solusek Ro i'd go with Cazic.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  6. Jeeshman Member

    The title of this thread made me immediately think of "What Child Is This." And now I can't get it out of my head, so:

    (Set to the tune of Greensleeves)

    What mob is this
    That I laid to rest
    And buried in Icy Ke-ee-ep,

    Whom I did greet
    With deeps so sweet
    His fellow mobs are reeling?

    This! This is a Terrorfiend,
    Whom Zealots guard
    And Tae Ew feed;

    Haste! Haste to bring more down,
    Or else we will certainly wipe.