What kind of guild are you looking for?

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by suka, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. suka Well-Known Member

    Before deciding on a guild, you need to define what you are looking for. There are many kinds of guilds to choose from.
    There are raid guilds, casual raid guilds, casual guilds, loosely defined guilds, crafting guilds, adventuring guilds, grouping guilds, solo guilds. Some are held by leaders who are demanding and that is sometimes necessary for the playstyle of the members. Some are more loosely controlled and some seem to have no control or leadership at all.

    Then there is Rings Within the Circle.

    Rings is organized- we are set up with 3 identifiable rings, As you advance in membership, you get promoted to a different ring. Different because the levels of responsibility and privileges are different and defined by membership level. Our outermost ring, the new members, have the least. However, we try to bring everyone to the second ring quickly. This is where the regular members are. Here there are the most privileges other than leadership and your voice is most often heard. this is the largest of our rings and we try very hard to take care of them, The inner ring, the leadership circle, is small. It is kept that way on purpose. We want to concentrate on our members, not our leadership and management team who is there to make sure everything runs smoothly. We do have a leader who can step in when situations demand it, we do have a set of rules and guidelines we follow, and we do have people who are willing and able to help with quests, tradeskilling and more.

    Among the things we offer our membership are the regular guild hall amenities - at level 41 they are not as many as we would like but they are quite a few: groundskeeper, a guild commodities buyer, a tradeskill writ giver, a fuel sales person, a guild beacon, a world portal and a housing portal. We also offer a carnivorous plant to feed, and ports to various places by means of portal objects.

    We have 2 houses set up in connection with the guild. All members from junior member (defender) up have trustee access to them. Our ranks, btw, are set up like the feudal-knight system - from page to duchess. The houses can be accessed by the housing portal, or through two portal windows on the wall - looks like round paintings. At one house are the personal depots for use by the guild- lore and legend, collections, ammo, food and drink, and adornments. These can be contributed to and taken from by our members.

    the other house is a ship that boasts of many ports of call. it contains portal objects that can't be placed in a guild hall- and a few that can.

    If you want a guild where you can feel you are an owner, not just another member of another organization, where your views are respected, where your voice is heard, where knowledgeable management is in place, where a "leader" (we hate labels but sometimes you have to accept them) is in place when needed and can offer advice and help, but isn't on a power trip. These are things Rings Within the Circle offer.

    If you are looking for a big guild where grouping is abundant - sorry, we prefer to have a few quality members and our people often work and have real lives so they sometimes have to play when they can. We believe that real life holds priority over the game. If something happens in your life that affects your time on the game, we totally understand.

    Most of our people rank knight ( full member ) and above are also recruiters. Feel free to contact any of them you find online.

    We are on the Butcherblock server and some of our leading members are Mydera, Fyuri, Aerfren, Aryabella, Ceyarrecks, and Sshisen among others.
  2. suka Well-Known Member

    if you send an ingame tell and aren't answered immediately, please give it a few minutes. often i am tending to my puppy, or putting things into a house, or looking at another window. But i will answer you.
  3. suka Well-Known Member

    and you can also reach me by sending a private conversation to these forums