What happened to the Voting pop-up window

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Ayrid, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Ayrid Member

    In the past when you entered a house that was published there would appear a gold square button that you pressed to open the voting window - thats gone. Now the only way to vote on a published house is to click on its door and maybe you will remember to press the vote button. If you zone out using a guild door or call - you no longer get a vote pop-up window. Why wee these things removed?

    Also - I go thru the house leaderboard each week out of respect for decorators and visit houses newly published to check em out. I have noticed that very little voting has been happening in the past 3-4 months. Is this just another sign that EQ2 is on its deathbed?
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    That, I doubt, although there's been a lot of gearing up for SOE Live for EQ3. Once all that nonsense is over with for the time being, perhaps the devs will remember we still exist. ;->

    As for the voting window, it's still there, it's just buried with the House button, the this button, the that button, up at the top of the screen; the star is still there and visible, but it's no longer as convenient as it was. I do remember the first time I saw it in the middle of my screen, it was annoying (though I didn't comment on it as such, don't blame me lol), and when I went to click on it to see about getting rid of it, it popped up the Voting options! I went, "Oh, hey! Cool! I shall vote! Two Likes! And look there, it went away. How nice! :)"

    Considering a lot of the threads we've had on this (you're not the only one to lament the change), you'd think they'd come up with a better system...one popular option lately is having some sort of comment window, rather than having it be just a competition. :-|
