What Do You Think Would Make EQ2 Popular Again?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by InquisitiveRat, May 10, 2022.

  1. Avouriel the Ratonga Active Member

    To be fair, anyone of my generation or the next+ have **** attention spans (I'm 25, been playing EQ2 since release), making EQ2 much easier to grasp and understand would be a good idea. Seriously, I don't like having to look up the Wiki just to know where I am going or what I am doing.

    (It would also be nice if they removed all the redundant skills and combined some of them, we don't need 100-200 skills, we only need a few that won't take up even 10% of the screen.)
    Husvik and Twyla like this.
  2. Jesaine Well-Known Member

    Well, if' you're 25 and been playing since release, you started playing when you were 2. :D

    OK, *that* good-natured tease aside, here are my thoughts:

    First, I agree with the problem with documentation on much of the game. This is really odd to me too, as the game started with some of the best documentation and tutorials I've seen in an MMO. Start a new character on either version of the Isle of Refuge, and every aspect of the game is explained in detail if you talk to all the teaching NPCs.

    NOW, they killed stats in item descriptions, so only a long playing veteran is going to have an idea how to optimize gear. Spell and other item descriptions are often a joke also. Item X: "Does X when activated". Great, but WTF is "X" in the first place?!? I just FINALLY gave in and bought the Channeler class also, which I dearly love, BUT trying to figure out it's mechanics is insane. I was worrying about Dissonance only to find out it doesn't even become a thing until level 15. Channel Essence is never explained (not that it's too hard to figure out, other than when it can actually be used). I *still* have no idea exactly how / what Channel Soul does or what it's little items are for (do they require any kind of charging first, etc...).

    The vanilla map system... It's a vile abomination before God, lol. Even 23 years ago at launch it was sub-par.

    The chat and emote system are need of improvement also. It shouldn't be THAT hard to switch channels. Maybe part of cleaning all that up is eliminating the trillion specialty channels. Do we really need a channel for "evil aligned templars in Qeynos that are provisioners specializing in ice cream sundaes?" :D At the very least, why the hell isn't General Chat on the list of ones that can just be clicked on to access?

    Dailies: A simple fix here that would make them more enjoyable for long term veterans; create a small pool of them that rotate randomly, just like doing writs. It'll make the process far less tedious if a player isn't sure which one they'll get on a given day. :)

    NOW, let's get to the item that drove me away from EQ2 back in 2016... Pricing. Game servers and developers take money, no doubt about that. $125 for the deluxe version of each new expansion so you can get the new house, pet, mount and miscellaneous crap though. That's insane. Not as bad as Bioware charging $55 for a single lightsaber cosmetic skin, but it WILL scare players off.

    And at the risk of repeating what likely has been mentioned more than once... GRAPHICS. To be honest, EQ2 looks good for a game it's age. The key words are "for it's age" though. Look at what the Unreal 5 engine is capable of. Imagine THIS game with those kind of graphics... or even just on par with more recent stuff like New World. There's SOOOOO much variety in content here vs any other MMO that people would be beating down the doors to get in.

    A HARD rebalance of characters based strictly on numbers to avoid what characters like Rangers and Assassins have been dealing with off and on since launch would be really nice also. Classes should never be nerfed to promote another class's use, etc...

    As afar as dumbing down the game... HELL NO! :D I haven't played New World myself, but every review I've seen says part of what make it so popular is that the crafting system (as one example) is a throwback to old school games like this one, NOT dumbed down garbage like SWTOR's system. All that's really required is a little better explanation of some mechanics and abilities / spells along with a cleaned up mapping and quest system.

    Cutting back abilities? I see a *little* room for that. Even SWTOR has an option for 6 hot bars though, and I use all of them. The fact that some of the spells and combat arts have specialized uses / conditions is what helps give each class a unique feel and role. Ergo, I'd be very careful there.
    Husvik likes this.
  3. Jesaine Well-Known Member

    Ok... NVM on any replies about the Channel Soul ability. I must have read the description the first time when I was tired. I can see it's one of those cleric self-rez things now. It still speaks to what I mean regarding clearer documentation however. Put "Self Resurrection Token" right at the top of the description and there's NO doubt to even the newest newbie.
    tasnee likes this.
  4. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I agree. Although its nice to have some different name for each for variety, I always thought it was confusing figuring out which was which.
    Jesaine likes this.
  5. Jesaine Well-Known Member

    Agreed. The unique names to abilities make each class feel different. Still, there's no reason the descriptions can't be made clearer.
  6. Husvik Member

    Top of the list is to improve the ride to the latest expansion. I loved leveling, didn't love the road blocks getting there.

    Now that i'm into the latest expansion on all characters, i'm staying here, this is what new players need to experience, no more alts for the time being, can't fathom dealing with the old game mess atm as this expac is that awesome.

    This is what new player need to know. This is good EQ2 again, problem is most wont make it through the maze.
    Jesaine and Geroblue like this.
  7. Avouriel the Ratonga Active Member

    On the "Well, if' you're 25 and been playing since release, you started playing when you were 2. :D"

    EQ2 is 18 years old, not 23, I've been playing since I was 8. I'll be 26 in a few months. but yeah, I agree with everything, I honestly wish Bruiser would get un-nerfed because it would be nice to play Bruiser and not feel like shoddy cardboard cutout of a Monk.
    Jesaine likes this.
  8. Jesaine Well-Known Member

    Looks like I got bad info off of one site. 2004 *does* fit though. I remember seeing it and picking it up at Fry's Electronics when visiting my parents over Christmas that year. I'd bet that first site I looked it up on gave me the release date of EQ1.

    That's a shame about the bruiser also. When I last played in 2016, my half-elf bruiser girl was a beast. They REALLY just need to cut out these random and excessive nerfs. Any and ALL adjustments made to character classes should only be to mathematically bring them to par with their mirror class.
    Geroblue likes this.
  9. KingDragon Active Member

    Something that could potentially make EQ2 great again would be to change the model on the prisoner in Freeport "Execution Plaza" to be a nice big fat orange pumpkin. Maybe rename the "gathering crowd" WFP_VoterFraudDonator_001-999.[IMG]
  10. Lucrethia New Member

    0.35 cents per day !!
    Jesaine likes this.
  11. Jesaine Well-Known Member


    You're aware that the vast majority of people play games to escape from real world soap operas and drama, NOT be reminded of them right? II just left Star Wars: The Old Republic because I got sick of the general chat channels being overrun by rejects who weren't even allowed on Reddit anymore, but hey, pay a subscription fee and Bioware will let you chase off as many players as you want.

    Personally, I don't care what side of any political argument somebody is on, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT IN MY GAME, and by extension it's forums. There's a reason there's no "General / Non-Game Chat" forum here.

    I will add my two cents though. Current politics is nothing more than BOTH sides telling half truths and outright lies to inflame their base, cover up their own misconduct, create conflict and ruin the country. Period.
    Geroblue likes this.
  12. Jesaine Well-Known Member

    LOL, yeah but it's a BIG chunk all at once. :D Most games don't charge anywhere near that for an expansion pack.
    Geroblue likes this.
  13. Avouriel the Ratonga Active Member

    You are correct that you were given the release date of EQ1, if EQ2 was 23 years old, it would not look as good as it does graphically. EQ2 was released November 8th, 2004. My brother got it for me as a Christmas/birthday present that year in December since I enjoyed EQ1.

    And yeah, Half the classes in EQ2 are nerfed to hell, making it really hard to find a class to enjoy, especially when you're picky with classes like I am. I prefer being a mage, healer or bard.
    Jesaine likes this.