What do people think our group/raid role is? What do YOU think our group/role is?

Discussion in 'Conjuror' started by ARCHIVED-Kevyn, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kevyn Guest

    So we are pretty much halfway into DoV's expansion life (I guess.) What do you think other players feel conjurors bring to group/raids? What do YOU feel we bring?

    I am just curious because I am somewhat torn in thinking a higher dps char will always be more welcome in groups/raids..

    Yes are dps is nice but why choose a class that doesn't do as well of DPS for a few utility buffs such as a potency and stoneskins? To me, they don't seem to make up the difference in dps... But this is ME.. Maybe a pro conj could give me a better explination as to what conjurors actually bring and how I would go about defending myself when asking to join a group..
  2. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    DPS with a sprinkle of utility. If you think Summoners are lightweights in the DPS department, think again.
  3. ARCHIVED-Jiraiya-of-Aphadrim Guest

    What difference in dps?

    In my experience the dps classes are quite well balanced at the moment. Maybe we lost a little with GU 61 though I didn't really notice any difference. And the new deaggro stuff even allows me to go all out on fights I had to hold back a little before and AE damage has gone up a little thx to Detonation.

    And I wouldn't put our "utility" aside. The 5 pot group buff adds a nice chunk of damage, would say something over 10k in a good damage group. Raidwide buff even more than that. And the raidwide buff brings 5,4% HP, that's really nice. There's of course ET and not to forget our debuffs that stack with all others except the ones we share with necro. We're no briga but debuff quite a lot of resis. Put that all together and we're a quite good damage support together with the damage we provide.
    And our def stuff helps a little keeping people alive, especially a tank in a sk/troub damage off tank group which seems quite popular these days. And shards became useful again with all the manadrains.

    In my opinion conji is as least as important than a sorcerer and even if people don't believe that, no one can tell me that it's better to have 2 wizzys (or 2 warlocks) than a wizzy (warlock) and a conji.
    For group play: every dps class can do the job. Biggest difference between players here isn't their class but how well they play it.

    BTW: I have a new name in this forum, old one was Squall Leonheart. (EQ2flames Name is just Jiraiya, someone else already took it here )
  4. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    To be honest the only utility spell that we have that actually makes a significant difference is Elemental Toxicity. One could argue Minion's Mark and Conjuror's Pact if you're light on classes that can debuff, but mobs will be debuffed in raids without you.
    The other utility spells that Conjurors have are nice, but not game changers:
    • Fire Seed does minor damage at best. Even with the 5% Strikethru enhancement it's not going to improve a melee's DPS much unless they are attacking from the front.
    • Flameshield does very minor damage.
    • Group Stoneskin is sometimes good, and sometimes not.
    • Shards are rarely needed except in the most mana intense fights, or unless you're missing classes that can power regen.
    • Call of the Hero is out of combat only
    • Cabalistic Conservation isn't needed when you have Enchanters and Bards.
    • Teamwork adds a mere 5% Potency, which at low levels helps a little bit, but at endgame isn't noticeable at all.
    • Fires From Within is nice, but not needed. Even with 8 points in Cabalist's Aura it's only a minor bump in max HP and potency.
    • Hydromancer is useless.
    • Geotic Rune is pretty nice to have for the physical mitigation boost.
    • Sacrifice rarely saves the day.
    In the end, our "Utility" is our DPS.
  5. ARCHIVED-Kevyn Guest

    So in the end why don't they just make us on par with "T1" dps?? And give the T1 dpsers slight utility as well?
    I just don't see the point that if players, a conj and a wiz, or nec/warlock whatever, of equal skill/gear why would one choose the classes with the sub par DPS? IN theory the wiz and warlock will ALWAYS out dps us if if equally skilled/and geared...

    Doesn't make sense to me..

    I love the conj, I love its play style etc. And for the most part I do outparse most people in my pick up groups and I am just in rygor. But I don't want to get to the point where I am raiding and always losing the parse to wizzes and warlocks even if I have the same gear/skill...
  6. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    We're supposed to be a bit lower than Wizards and Warlocks, in part because of our pet having it's own position on the hate list, and in part because part of our DPS is controlled by an AI. However the difference isn't extreme by any stretch.
    Situationally, speaking:
    Single target fights: Wizard > Summoner > Warlock
    AoE fights: Warlock > Summoner > Wizard
    Honestly as long as you're worth your salt as a player, you will never be turned down for a group/raid for simply being a summoner, unless said group/raid is already overflowing with summoners.
  7. ARCHIVED-Kevyn Guest

    Amazing post above... Made me feel better.. I just love this class too much... Leveled 2 conjies actually to 90.. lol. But I just hit 300 AA with this one and I am enjoying powning everyone else in DPS.. I just was concerned about high end raiding etc which I would like to eventually make it to..
  8. ARCHIVED-Fitz Guest

    Jiraiya and Xalmat are on the money. I raid on my conjuror and am top 3 DPS, if not top DPS when my pet doesn't refuse to attack. The only thing that will truly frustrate you as a conjuror is game mechanics: "Oh, I'm dpsing swell! Wait, why did my pet run up to the mob... /faceroll." Our recent AA revamp patched over quite a bit of these problems, fixing them as far as superficial game play is concerned. Our utility isn't comparable to a bard or enchanter, but I am able to consistently keep myself alive in HM because of our heal and stoneskins. Now if they'd fix pet pathing, attack, and LOS...