What day is it?

Discussion in 'History and Lore 2' started by Tedorikkthefirst, Jan 13, 2015.

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  1. Tedorikkthefirst Member

    Howdy. I've not posted a question here before and quite frankly I'm hoping it's the proper area to come barging through the door asking about names of days of the game week.
    From time to time I look at them, but while intending to look (blink) on a monday to see what it's called in game I continually forget, so I thought to ask.
    Please direct me where I might find such info, if indeed I'm intruding with the wrong type of question.
  2. Leeroy 16 year vet. Forum lurker. Altaholic.

    THIS might be of help.
  3. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    you know, when I look at that again, that makes me wonder what the Antonican Calendar looks like.
  4. Tedorikkthefirst Member

    Well met Leeroy.
    Helped indeed.
    Yesterday too, I book marked The Athenaeum.
    Thank you.
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