Were is the best Zones to get Minted Masquerde Token drops ?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by mickealangelo, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. mickealangelo New Member

    Our group has been running H1-2's 3 times a week and have found 1 in the past 5 weeks what are we doing wrong help plz lol
  2. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Got one from the swamp last night. Maybe it's just RNG.
  3. Zylara Well-Known Member

    really random not any specific zone really
  4. Smashey Well-Known Member

    Avatar raids and Goldan in H3.

    If you do heroics to farm masks you are making your life miserable.
  5. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    You say that like H3 zones are a cakewalk to complete.
    Rattophaxe likes this.
  6. CSP84 Well-Known Member

    They used to drop more frequently in H1s and H2s prior to the first T4 Contestant kills. Than they started to disappear in H1s and H2s on each Server having the T4 killed for the first time.
    Coincidence or the start for new conspiracy theories.....