Well this patch made a Game Breaker for me

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Gothy, May 7, 2013.

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  1. Regolas Well-Known Member

    No one is calling people that want to pay for the game with fake money (ie plat) by buying krono freeloaders. It is only natural to want to get things for free if possible, so you can spend your real money elsewhere and ultimately have a more enjoyable life than sacrificing one thing to pay for another.

    People are being called freeloaders for EXPECTING to be handed enough plat to them that they can do it with minimal effort. Pre-nerf, I could spend 2 hours over 1 week (4 runs with 2 characters in PR/SoH) and generate enough plat to afford a krono for a months playtime.

    Now I probably won't be able to earn enough because I just don't play enough to concentrate on plat hoarding. That's my choice though. I could stop doing the things I enjoy in the game to do things that generate me plat, but then it becomes a job. It kinda felt that way farming PR anyway but I did it because I liked being "rich".

    What I don't do is complain I can't earn enough plat to play this game for free anymore and threaten to quit. I have subbed to SOE games for 10 years out of 14. I was happy paying then, why should I not be now? If I can get a few months free here and there, fine, but I may choose to keep my plat and buy in game things instead.

    Summary: No one's entitled to kronos. It's designed to spread wealth around from the plat rich to the people willing to spend additional real money on the game. If you can't afford kronos, you're not plat rich so it's not a product for you. You're not entitled to it just because it's available. If no one bought kronos for real money you won't be able to buy them for plat anyway, no matter how much you have. And that could happen in the future....
    suka and Avirodar like this.
  2. Mae- Well-Known Member

    You're my neighbor, sort of ;) Whidbey is lovely!
  3. SteelPiston Active Member

    I'm puzzled as to who is buying Krono's with $US. They are cheap enough to buy with plat, so why pay hard currency for them? Maybe there's only one Richie Rich person out there somewhere that buys them and sells them for plat, because he's got more money than sense. I hope he doesn't stop playing, or we're all in trouble.
  4. Ladymist Well-Known Member

  5. Ladymist Well-Known Member

    I am very fortunate to live here thats for sure, I count my blessings. what neck of the woods are you so to speak?
  6. Mermut Well-Known Member

    The only way to buy them with plat is if somebody else bought them with real money to put on the broker to buy in the first place....
  7. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Perhaps people that don't consume them for playtime? (i.e. They may pay for their subscription via credit card at the normal rate, and then purchase the Kronos specifically to sell to others for plat to avoid spending the time it takes to go out and farm plat.)

    I have a hard time believing that all the Kronos for sale on my server are alts of the same person. While it is possible, it is very unlikely*.

    * It is probably about as likely as archaeologists finding an authentic cave painting from 35,000 years ago of cavemen doing the Macarena.
  8. suka Well-Known Member

    i'm not rich but i buy about one a month and put them on my broker. it helps me buy things i want without having to worry about spending more time farming than i do playing
  9. suka Well-Known Member

    I agree with you in that context. No one should expect it to be easy to get plat. No one should expect anything to be handed to them. and no one should want more for nothing or for minimal effort. Earning should equal effort. and if you are ftp, you shouldn't want the company to give you even more than it is already offering. doesn't mean that working for the plat to pay for krono is wrong- but yeah, it is wrong to want an easy farm to drop loads of plat for you. Personally, i have never gone to old raid zones, much less farm them. I wasn't aware the problem existed before this thread came out.
    my only contention was that i saw an earlier post that did call people who bought krono with plat freeloaders and also that insist that they are not supporting soe, and all of the other arguments. I am totally against anything that offends my simple sense of justice and tolerance. to me, judging people for the way they want to play the game, pay for the game, etc, is wrong.
  10. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Actually, Avirodar did.

    suka likes this.
  11. Mae- Well-Known Member

    I'm in Kitsap. Go Navy ;)
    Ladymist likes this.
  12. Detor Active Member

    Did you seriously just go from 'kids shouldn't have to figure out how to be able to play the game themselves without their parent's money' to 'it isn't expensive, the parents should just give the kid the money like I do for my kid' to 'kids these days just want more and aren't learning how to earn it' all in the same post? Read back over your post and think about that for a bit. ;)
    suka likes this.
  13. Avirodar Well-Known Member

    Because of...

    I am left to assume you did not read beyond the first sentence of the post from Regolas... Or the second paragraph from Regolas, in context to this entire thread (from the first sentence of the OP) just sailed directly over your head.

    The OP is complaining that they can no longer exploit broken platinum reward progression mechanics, in order to have gold level access for free. Add in some vain threats about quitting at the outrage of free gold access requiring some effort... Freeloader is a very polite word used to describe the OP of this thread, and other like-minded individuals.

    And to help make it more clear, I don't really care if someone uses a game purchased Krono, or a Credit Card. My entire stance has been against people who think they are entitled to easily amass enough plat to trade for Krono, by exploiting trivial legacy content. If someone can earn plat in the current tier, and use that to buy Krono, good on them.

    But I am also honest enough with the process to acknowledge who is, and is not, a PAYING customer. The person paying the real cash for the initial purchase of the Krono, is the paying customer. If a single Krono changes hands 10 times, there is not 10 "paying customers". The person who uses a Krono is not a paying customer (unless they purchased it via the website). If they are not paying? Enough said.
    Larsenex likes this.
  14. Lygerr Active Member

    kronos are only generated by SoE marketplace so they have to be bought initially for real life cash, they do not drop in game or elsewhere for anything other than real cash.

    so it's obvious people are buying them with cash and selling them for plat, otherwise they wouldn't be available. some people have more cash than playtime, but i guess that is difficult for some people to understand until later in life. sometimes you have to spend a little extra out of wallet to enjoy your time because you have less of it and more money than time to enjoy that time fully.
    Ladymist and suka like this.
  15. Ladymist Well-Known Member

    what the heck are you talking about lol
    read the post i was responding to please. in it it was suggested kids are too poor or cant work for their money cause of labor laws and need to not be called free loaders cause they want free stuff they need to learn business
    they can learn to get their stuff by playing the game and using that plat to buy a krono. In my post it states kids Need to be more responsible and like the person i was responding claimed the adults were too poor i was doubting it was that.
    Aeronaut and Shadeyblades like this.
  16. Dexella Associate Producer

    Hey folks,

    Locking this thread down. Please keep in mind our forum guidelines and remember to (1) stay on topic, and (2) be courteous to others posting in the forums. Debates are great, but they need to remain respectful and free of trolling or personal attacks.

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