Welcome to the Station Cash Tech Support Sub-Forum!

Discussion in 'Station Cash' started by ARCHIVED-TSR-DanielH, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-TSR-DanielH Guest

    Hello everyone and welcome to the newest sub-forum!
    While I can understand that everyone has their own opinions about Station Cash, this area is primarily for technical support related to that service. If possible, please try to keep this forum focused on correcting any technical issues that arise.
    If you would like to discuss your feelings about Station Cash then we encourage you to do so in one of the threads linked below:
    Your cooperation will help us respond to and correct any problems associated with this new service.
    Thank you.
  2. ARCHIVED-Jarnivw Guest

    I purchased 800 SC using my mobile phone, but I didn't get any SC.
    I've lost 8 euros though.
    Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
    I got a text message both of the times I purchased SC, with a code in each of them, but I don't know if I have to insert these codes somewhere, and if so, where I have to insert them. I can't insert them in the 'Redeem Code' thing on the site.

    Help would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks already.
