weapon skin...

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Blooddawn22, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. Blooddawn22 New Member

    hello guys, id like to know if this weapon, this dagger or possibly a short sword is available to players, if any weapons with this skin? if so how and where to get it?

    heres the weapon in question[IMG]
  2. Estred Well-Known Member

    That is remarkably similar to a weapon dropped in Erudin Library. There are other blades with that graphic but the one from Erudin is the easiest to obtain. It drops from one of the Primarchs (whichever you select). Erudin Library is a level 90 Heroic Instance in the Sentinels Fate Expansion. It can be reached by entering Stonebrunt Highlands and flying to Marred Plateau.