We need a 'not transmutable' flag we can set on items.

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-CoLD MeTaL, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-CoLD MeTaL Guest

    Yeah, I transmuted something I didn't mean to. I hope I get it back (petitioned), I am usually very careful, but I was half asleep. /sigh
  2. ARCHIVED-Freliant Guest

    We have had other petitions similar to this... the general idea that came out of it was "pay more attention". But I see what you mean, and if implemented would be helpfull to the 1 person a month this happens to :p
  3. ARCHIVED-Ohiv Guest

    While I do partially sympathise with the OP I have to go back with the default you should really be paying attention. Although there is some precidence for this sort of request, there is a way to prevent you selling stuff to a vender.
  4. ARCHIVED-CoLD MeTaL Guest

    Why not use the 'not for sale' flag already there?
  5. ARCHIVED-SilkenKidden Guest

    Freliant wrote:
    Rotten luck, but I don't think the game should undo the transmute unless the assumption is made that you got the maximum fragment, powder, infusion, or mana from the action. You would have to forfiet that.
  6. ARCHIVED-Zehl_Ice-Fire Guest

    Since the dawn of transmuting, well at least once I could transmute T7 gear, I was always paranoid I would be, as you were, half asleep, and blow up something I didn't mean to with an accidental click. I've feedbacked this a few times too, I would like to have a no transmute option.
  7. ARCHIVED-Meirril Guest

    I haven't done this yet, but I can see how it could happen. Though, you do have to say yes to each and every transmute.
    A little clicky safty net would be nice. Basically adding your own private "ornate" flag to your own items. Though, if it works like the current no vendor flag on items if you bought something off the vendor with the flag on you'd have to turn it off before you could transmute it. Might get kinda confusing.