Ways To Get Mana Fast In Combat?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Nazy, Sep 22, 2020.

  1. Nazy Well-Known Member

    I recently betrayed my Defiler to a Mystic and have noticed the lack of manataps that don't have a 6min recast. This leads me to ask:
    How can I get Mana fast in the middle of combat?
    I do have some overclocked manastones but the recast is around 5 minutes. I need mana almost every fight and don't want to have to keep taking breaks to regen Mana.

    Any suggestions are appreciated!
  2. WhysperWynde Well-Known Member

    Nazy likes this.
  3. WhysperWynde Well-Known Member

    Whoa it that URL link came out as a buncha videos. Well I hope that maybe an answer to the mana replenishing question while fighting is in there somewhere.
    Nazy likes this.
  4. Pixistik Don't like it? You're not alone!

    If your not on a TLE server, hire a Conj merc, will keep you topped off np..havent played witha troub merc and dont know if they can do for ya what the Conj can, also if you can get one there are some of the coercer mercs you can get from crates.
    WhysperWynde and Breanna like this.
  5. Adept Active Member

    I use overclocked manastones, icy dragon essence and power potions all of which have cool downs and used more for an oh **** situation but all of them are massively outclassed by my coercer merc, Walkyria Edda, who generously refills group mana from empty to full every 20 seconds. Heroics would be impossible for my group me without her.

    Conj mercenary? Conjurer? Did not know there was such a beast.
    WhysperWynde likes this.
  6. Tanto Done, finished, gone.

    He means the mindblaster, coercer merc. It just follows you around doing nothing except manaflow. Very useful. It's $ though.
    WhysperWynde and Pixistik like this.
  7. Nunja Well-Known Member

    Essence of Malice potion, clarity potions, and temp adorns from marketplace Focus of Inner Power
    WhysperWynde likes this.
  8. Cravaro Active Member

    My mind blaster coercer merc is great! Sometimes in heroics if we don't have or cannot find a powerfeed, we will use the coercer merc. As stated previously, they really don't do much but run breeze and mana flow whenever it is up. Of course these days in standard heroics we usually blow up the zone before mana is an issue, but I digress! If you are soloing a lot and consistently have power drains, the coercer merc is a must have.

    Another option is to unlock the "account wide" level 101 manastone by doing Stilettos Orders Heritage Quest on TLE. Myself and a partner just recently did this, took a couple days to level to 35ish which was high enough for us to duo the heritage quest. There is a long cool down but now we have a manastone that actually gives us 15% which is enough to cast bulwark or whatever when needed.
    WhysperWynde likes this.
  9. Nazy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the replies!
    I only have two questions so far: Is there another Merc besides the mindblaster one that power feeds? And do you have to pay real money for the mindblaster Coercer Merc?
  10. Raff Well-Known Member

    At max level, my defiler can pretty much keep himself supplied with power for solos. Heroics & raids though, you just need a power feed character with you. (i.e. Illy, Coerver, Troub etc..)

    You have 2 self power feeds. I also keep potions and overclocked mana stones for those uhoh moments.
    WhysperWynde and Breanna like this.
  11. Dude Well-Known Member

    Since he betrayed to mystic, does he still have those two power feeds?
    Breanna likes this.
  12. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    All the coercer mercenaries are Marketplace-only, except for the one folks got from attending SOE Live in 2013.

    I don't think I've ever seen an Illusionist mercenary.
    Breanna likes this.
  13. Nazy Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, no. And Oberon and Torpor eat mana really fast. The only mana feed I have has a 6 min recast.

    There aren't any Illy Mercs. I checked.

    Would the troub mercs help with mana?
  14. Raff Well-Known Member

    Thought Nazy was a Defiler? Mystics have a better powerfeed...though with a 5 min cooldown. Haven't played my mystic since ToV, so I can't really comment on end game abilities.
    Breanna and Nazy like this.
  15. Nazy Well-Known Member

    Might have betrayed a few days ago... Joined the light side :p

    The problem is that I need mana every second fight. If it takes around 1min to kill 3 linked yellows and takes 1 bar of Mana, I'm in trouble because they aren't draining my mana so in fights with mana drains I'm useless.

    I don't want to run the betrayal back to Defiler because I like being able to cast my group ward on the run and melee. But I miss Defiler's faster casting and manataps.
  16. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Nazy, I overlooked a basic step. What are you using for food and drink? You need to be drinking good quality crafted drink, for instance \aITEM -702965800 -390936950 0 0 0:[Shrieking Tonic]\/a etc.
    WhysperWynde and Nazy like this.
  17. Nazy Well-Known Member

    I have level 100 food and drink that has very good stats coming soon. Someone needs to trade it to me still. That might help a bit.
  18. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    When I was a Mystic I carried and hot bared every mana potion made, even lower level ones. I also have the updated mana stone and used that too. I used mana drinks and totems, etc. whatever would give a mana boost and didn't share a timer with other items.By the time I hit 110 I no longer needed any of them. Ethereal Ascension boosts were all that was needed.
    WhysperWynde likes this.
  19. Pixistik Don't like it? You're not alone!

    Mindblasters cost money, for one in game you can hire is the Conjuror I was talkin about he is also called an Elementalist, he uses Conjy spells and tho it doesnt show on any of the spells he has, he restores power as well.
    His name is Bordis Glacierbane loc 90.90, 152.52, -172.79 in New Halas
    Breanna likes this.
  20. Nazy Well-Known Member

    I'll check him out! Thanks!

    I'll look at potions too, thanks!
    WhysperWynde likes this.