Warzone: "The great escape"

Discussion in 'PvP & Battlegrounds' started by Exur, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Exur Well-Known Member

    See these two buttons, when in the Warzone please add a cast time to these. Think of them like a Guild call or something. Example, when you click the "Exit Battleground" you start casing "Return Home". Can't move and make it like 10 seconds. And for the love of gods, please not allow this exit while in combat. Anyone that thinks this is a bad idea is currently using it to avoid combat. A 10 second wait while not in combat is nothing, get it done asap.

    This suggestion was strongly suggested when we were all testing the Warzone and nothing was done. The point of Warzone is that you knowing decide to enter with little room for escape. Actually, now that I think about it... why is there an "Exit Battleground" button in the BG Warzone at all? If a player wants to leave the BG Warzone, run to a portal and return to Champion's Respite. Annoying, but a much better zone to PvP in. As always, people just click this to avoid PvP... even when in combat and the fight is not going there way.

    It's better on Nagafen's version where we don't have the "Exit Battleground" button, so I added the BG pop. It's also used to avoid PvP and though I don't want it removed, I want a 10 second "stand still" option added to it when in a Warzone.

    Am I missing something that justifies these *poof* options?
    Kazz likes this.
  2. Exur Well-Known Member

    To the community, temps down or Death Save isn't up are not reasons to justify this "escape". I dare you to fight your way thru some adversity. It will make you a better player. But you also need to learn to not feed trolls and deal with defeat. You get caught with temps down and no Death Save.. it happens, you "risked" being in the Warzone. Just case you died doesn't make you a bad player and your ego can survive.

    That's just my mindset on the whole deal. Again, don't feed trolls, except for when you are one. Then /shout away creature, /shout away.
    Fetish likes this.
  3. Exur Well-Known Member

    Yes, all 6 of you...
    Fetish likes this.
  4. Darksanity Member

    Also fix housing leader board, it still works on Naggy warzone to avoid pvp..
  5. Shesaz Active Member