Warder Weakness broken on Test

Discussion in 'Testers Only' started by ARCHIVED-Canston, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Canston Guest

    Warder weakness is only lasting a second if that and then goes gray. It won't let you use any of the special abilities. It was working fine last night. I tried re-summoning a Warder but that didn't work, logged out and in both to character select and desktop and that didn't help either.
    Thanks for looking into this.
  2. ARCHIVED-Bunji Guest

    Thanks for the info, we'll check it out.
  3. ARCHIVED-Maevianiu Guest

    Thank you for reporting this one! I just checked in a fix and it should be working with the next build.
  4. ARCHIVED-Canston Guest

    Thank you very much :)
    Both of you....