Warden's should get a self only strength buff

Discussion in 'Warden' started by ARCHIVED-Kaku99, Jan 29, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kaku99 Guest

    Since SOE generously provided furies with roots, it is only fair and equitable that they should compensate wardens with a self only strength buff. This would make the melee option viable. I've seen some fabled gear listed with strength attributes on other threads. Truth be told, my level 70 warden only has a couple of fabled items and the prospects for gathering the other items mentioned are dim at best. A self only strength buff would go a long way to addressing the inequalities that exist between the two druid classes.
  2. ARCHIVED-lmhotep Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-Gwen Guest

    Lets pray that within next extension Wardens will get AA that will be the continuation of what SoE tried to make with EoF, read AA that will enhance our melee ability to allow us to really exploit our KoS/EoF Melee AA (But i smell it will only be always a toy).
  4. ARCHIVED-Skivley101 Guest

    Imhotep wrote:
    Darn ...you beat me to it.
    Question to the Op .... what would you trade for it? (it would have to be equal value to keep this balanced)
    If you wanted to do some real damage , why wouldnt you just pick another class.
    even at 600+ str the damage isnt all that impressive compared to other classes that DONT GET TO HEAL!!!
  5. ARCHIVED-Caliga Guest

  6. ARCHIVED-MullenSkywatcher Guest

    A self int/str buff would be nice, that way it wouldnt matter what line you chose. Or convert our existing spells from buffing WIS/AGI to WIS/STR.
  7. ARCHIVED-Dragonrealms Guest

    OP's point was that furies got something for nothing with eof (their new root.. completely new spell line, they traded ZERO for it)... so, if they can get something for nothing (and it's something that was previously warden "territory") why should we have to trade anything for a self-buff to our damage?
  8. ARCHIVED-Kaku99 Guest

    Thank you for posting Dragonrealms. Its nice to know that few people actually read posts and comprehend what the OP is saying.
    Furies got a free lunch when they recieved root. It's about time SOE threw us a bone.
  9. ARCHIVED-Skivley101 Guest

    Well Kaku99 ... had i not posted here... i dont think you would have gotten Ryala on your side....cuz from any of her other posts i dont think she ever thought that Str was a problem.
    My point was The absurdity of asking for a str buff .... cuz if its that big of a problem for you...your just not trying hard enough.
    And Jeeze Ryala...im starting to think you just dont like me :smileysad: LOL ..... Or are you just bitter in general becuz your not likeing your Respec.
    And as far as the Free lunch for Furies ......Let me just drop in a response from Ryala on that one (from another thread that could fit almost anythread these days)
    DragonRealms wrote:
    Every vet warden on these forums has been through this argument a thousand times I'm sure and I'm also pretty sure we're all getting tired of getting into it again and again and again. This thread has done nothing but stir up old issues that have been around for months and that we're all painfully familiar with; there's nothing constructive in it and the OP's main point in making it doesn't even belong on this forum. Why did you even bother posting here?
    maybe you should make this ^^^ your new sig Ryala

  10. ARCHIVED-Dragonrealms Guest

    I have no issues with my respec... you're the one not getting it. The op has a very valid point that the furies got something for nothing and it's perfectly fine for him to want something to compensate that. Nothing wrong asking for that to be a str buff (you know we used to have one of those right? back before lu13, we had a small grp str buff and a grp damage proc, both of which were lost in the class revamp so hey there's some very small precedent for it even).
  11. ARCHIVED-GinFan Guest

    If Wardens were to get "something for nothing" I would much rather it be defensive or regenitive in nature. Make me more Warden like, don't make me more Fury like.
  12. ARCHIVED-Dragonrealms Guest

    I'd agree only if it were actually useful... our current defensive stuff is rather blah and where a lot of our complaints are coming from. As for becoming more fury-like.. well.. they made the furies more warden-like by giving thema root didn't they? wouldnt' bother me to get a dmg-boosting buff.
  13. ARCHIVED-Caliga Guest

    The reason its funny is because what another class gets has nothing to do with what you deserve. When rangers got root were the assasins crying all over themselves for a stun? No.

    My fury has to find a balance between str and wis. You can't just go for all wis gear and cry about crap str. You got AA and gear in game that can increase your str. Work.It.Out. Sound like a child whose little brother got ice cream when you didn't. WHHHHAAAAAA!!!!!!

    This would be less pitiful if she argued that with the new melee AAs a str buff would be useful, instead of bring up what furies get and acting like a new line is owed to her. They are trying to find balance and make it fun for everyone. Class balancing isn't like passing out cookies in kindergarten where you go "One for you, one for you and one for you."
  14. ARCHIVED-Dragonrealms Guest

    it used to be balanced in that furies killed faster, but riskier and wardens killed slower, but safer, and instead of a root furies, got a debuff. Now it's furies kill faster adn just about as safe while still retaining their debuff utility (I'm not going to get into how you think it helps or not as I've already stated in the past I would gladly trade my root for that debuff line) while wardens remained the same. So i still don't think there is anything wrong with a warden saying they'd like something to balance out the fact that furies got the root.
  15. ARCHIVED-Skivley101 Guest

    Well maybe i am missing the point ...... But it looks to be 1 of 3 things here.

    #1 .... Its about the furies getting the root spell out of thin air (or any other some one got this that or other thing .....sniff ......what about me) which there has been
    Many many many many many.......many many many.....many many many and many more to come i guess threads about this.
    Of which i really wouldnt of cared to comment on.


    #2 .... Its about not having enough Str to utilize the Mele line, wich ive seen you post responses about solving this Ryala


    #3 .... its just about damage boost ......75% mele crits ......*poof* problem solved

    It seems like alot of people come up with problems of balance from just looking at stats pre result .....rather than looking at them post result.

    Ill refrase the question to the Op ...... Would you add a completely new buff with more than str component?
    or maybe just add str component to .......say like protector of the forest and make it cost concentration again?
    Or just get rid of the crappy agi buff on spirit of the bat and make it str instead ?.... (ya i know ....then furies would have it too....lol)
  16. ARCHIVED-Dragonrealms Guest

    why does it bother you so much that someone wants a str buff? If it's the fact that it's str he wants buffed why not post alternative things to buff? and why is it you seem to feel that we HAVE to lose something to gain a new ability? The furies didn't lose anything to gain their root, which is the real reason it's being pointed out.. ie: it set a precedent for something thereby supporting the case for us to get similar treatment.
  17. ARCHIVED-Caliga Guest

    I can't tell you how many times that WIS debuff has saved my life. /sarcasm off
  18. ARCHIVED-Skivley101 Guest

    Drag it On wrote:

    why does it bother you so much that someone wants a str buff? If it's the fact that it's str he wants buffed why not post alternative things to buff? and why is it you seem to feel that we HAVE to lose something to gain a new ability? The furies didn't lose anything to gain their root, which is the real reason it's being pointed out.. ie: it set a precedent for something thereby supporting the case for us to get similar treatment.


    LOL .... Thats what i luv about ya Ryala

    Im not botherd by the op wanting a str buff ...Guess it just hit me funny in the beggining like it did a few others ***shrug***

    As for the furies got this and i didnt ..... I honestly have no comment on that one.

    Go ahead !!!!Post Bill Boards on the Freeway ....ill just drive right past em..... never taking notice of the Call 1-800 -Kil-fury ........
    ***secretly taking mental note to Freakin pwn* the [I cannot control my vocabulary] cats later....***** MUhahahah
  19. ARCHIVED-Dragonrealms Guest

    /shrug root's never saved mine but [I cannot control my vocabulary] has it saved my raids... not.
  20. ARCHIVED-Caliga Guest

    I've tried to fill that slot with every bad word I can think of and nothing makes sense. I won't sleep tonight unless I know what you were trying to say. You did this on purpose!

    Message Edited by pinkdove80 on 01-30-2007 11:22 PM