Warden left prestige tree needs a revamp.

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Kalika, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Well the final talent which grant 5 stoneskin instead of 3 may be of use, even is those stoneskin
    may trigger for 1 point of damage and last 10 seconds.

    But constant current and the ward it proc at the end is totally underpowered.

    The ward i get is like 50 K.

    I can compare that tree with the one of my inquisitor which is simply very very good.

    It turn her single target heal into a direct heal followed by two reactives
    and on top you get stoneskins.

    It's simply awesome.

    The warden left tree is pathetic, the ward that proc at the end of constant current was probably usefull
    before TOV ...

    If you take into account the lost you get by loosing the double conversion
    getting the fresh water spell may indeed be a hps loss.

    It's sort of bad, the idea : being able to maintain some strong semi long strong regen on several targets
    is nice but the spell and ward should heal for more.
  2. Edith Member

    Wait, you think this expansion's most powerful healer needs to be improved?
  3. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Wondering what you mean, my inqui rez at 40 meters without even targeting, she heals from 35 meters (for some spells), she has divine guidance, raises tank hp much more than i do (temporary but can be cycled) ...

    So you cannot really write anything like "there is a best healing class".

    You miss the issue, it's not about how powerfull we are.
    It's about knowing what is the use of one our most recent advancement tree.
  4. Treiko Active Member

    Is that not the same thing? lol. What content are you working on that you need the left side over the right side on your warden anyway? Windblade ftw...
  5. Edith Member

    Wardens are far and away better defensively than Inquisitors. And yes, currently, wardens are better than other healers at most healing jobs. Please enjoy your time as the FOTM healer and quit asking for fixes you don't need.
  6. Torri Active Member

    Kaiika, not every choice a Warden has needs to be better than every other healer's choice. That is what you sound like when you bring up these minor flaws Wardens currently have by comparing it to the strengths of other healers. Yes left side is a bit weak. Luckily there are other options which are stronger that can be taken. You seemed to really like double conversion
  7. Torri Active Member

    There is no improving on an Edith!
  8. Kalika Well-Known Member

    I don't mean that we are weak healer, but fact is that today i ran the dominion
    and on last boss Constant current and fresh water HOT did like 4% of my parse.

    So what is the point of those spells ?
  9. Kiry Active Member

    This is why you don't spec left side on a druid, just like a Inq doesn't spec left side just like shamans never spec full right side, just like most healers have a tonne of junk aa they never use or that do nothing, please stop complaining the OP warden class is weak just because you choose to spec poorly on yours. Sure there may be an occasion you want cyclone reset but the tradeoff just isn't worth it.

    Solo healing Dominion on a warden is faceroll.
  10. Foretold Well-Known Member

    Good lord just spec right side and enjoy the rush.
  11. Anaiul Member

    I don't understand why a warden would want to spec left side for Dom. The only good that comes of it is a possible Cyclone reset and the fights shouldn't last long enough to require use of it more than once (if any). I never use left side on my warden...

    Instead of complaining about Constant Current and Fresh Water doing less than 4% of your hps... why not just spec right side for the added damage and crit bonus since there is little to no benefit coming out of your left side spec?

    This doesn't mean wardens need an improvement just that there is a better use of your AA's. Perhaps a bit more research on how to get the max benefit out of your points would help. I'm sure there are many good wardens that wouldn't mind giving advice.
    Kuulei likes this.
  12. Hammdaddy Active Member

    2% perma dr, and heirophentic reset pretty strong idk
  13. The Jones Active Member

    I'm sticking with left side in my pure heal spec. I don't care about the 4% that shows up on the parse. The fact is that you will want as many HoT's ticking as possible when you're expecting spike damage and this is a pretty strong HoT. I also think double conversion is viable.

    With that said, you should always run full right side if you can get away with it.
    Kuulei likes this.
  14. Balbasur Active Member

    agree would be nice if they converted the ward into a 5 proc stone skin