Warden Discussion

Discussion in 'Priests' started by RunsWithScissors, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. Geothe Active Member

    The devs are putting in more and more AEs that completely bypass AE-avoid abilities.
    They just love giving classes nice abilities, and then negating them completely in the future, heh.
  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    There are a few AoEs that are scripted to directly target everybody. These types of AoEs are the minority and it is generally only 1 per fight, at most. I know there are a few bosses in UD and a few in ST that have a single AoE that directly targets all members (making Tortoise Shell ineffective for that specific AoE) but it is still a very useful AA.
  3. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    Only if it's not blocking and other AA blockers (Like Dirge's Dance of Blades..?(I think it's called) are. Then it needs /bugging and to be fixed. If no one else's blockers are working, then it's either a raid mechanic like 'strikethrough' or something.

    If no one's blockers are working at all - then that brings up the issue of it being useless AA for everyone. If it's just Us, it's broken.
  4. Erszebeth Active Member

    Most AoEs in SS/ST <heroic and raid>, not sure about CoE raids but CoE heroics dont' seem to have the issue, completely ignore any and all AoE blockers/stoneskins/reflects/etc. and most of those AoE's are the ones you actually WANT to block/stoneskin/reflect, the ones that largely don't matter and don't hit for anything worth considering are able to be blocked/etc.
    And thats using ANY of the blockers/stoneskins/etc. Not sure why sony likes to completely negate so many of the tools that classes get to help their groups/raids, but they do it alot, shamans get seriously shafted with it on their pets being a big part of their group cure ability and never having it survive anything.
    While yes, the tortoise shell thing is obnoxious, its still worthwhile, esp. with its short reuse, and as useful as it is in CoE, just remember its ALL blockers that are shafted on this, not just wardens.
  5. Stormwarn New Member

    Glad to know its not just me.. I use it everytime its up.. still better safe than sorry.. Just seem this latest expansion it is not as effectivie as it has been in the past.