Warden 2H Swords?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by LycanCoffee, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. LycanCoffee New Member

    When do wardens get access to 2h Swords? None of the "newbie" ones seem useable.
    While leveling what is better to use, Great Hammer or Bo Staff?
  2. Sephy666 Member

    Wardens, as far as I know, can't use 2 handed swords. the best you can do is find a nice 2 handed mace/Staff with Wis on it and get an appearance weapon from the marketplace
  3. Nebbeny Member

    Whilst druids can't typically use 2H slashing weapons, there is atleast 1 that is warden usable and 2 that are fury usable. Can't remember where the fury one comes from, but the warden 2H sword is from the vigilent's 3rd heroic zone (rescue i think?) off of the last boss and is a relatively rare drop.
  4. Mermut Well-Known Member

    While the devs (at top tier) have itemized for 2-handed spears for shaman, they haven't itemized (at all) for 2-handed (or even 1-handed) slashing weapons for druids. As Sephy mentioned, your best bet is to get a 2-handed hammer and get a sword for your appearance slot.
  5. Gash Active Member

    I remember back in KoS my druid friend used a big 2h Scimitar that he got way back in Deathtoll. It had a lion head on the pommel which kinda goes along with the whole druid thing.

    Edit: bah, nevermind. I found it, but it has since been restricted to plate tanks.
    \aITEM 1911435692 410266974:pride's Edge\/a
    (Pride's Edge. stupid smileys)