Vulak'Aerr's Ring of the Dreadscale

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by duckster, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. duckster Active Member

    So the following ring works off increments in that there is a dmg proc for each increment(up to 9 increments).

    \aITEM 865812828 -1450490667:Vulak'Aerr's Ring of the Dreadscale\/a

    The proc itself is slightly underwhelming in that the CB doesn't appear to stack and even on an ae heavy fight it still does less overall damage than the likes of the MO ring(Flesh-shred) & Legendary Rings(Discombobulate).

    Given that this comes from the boss of Maw it should be somewhat more powerful than it currently is.

    It should be in line with the other uplifting items, a measly 24cb isnt suffice in my opinion.
  2. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    The effects combined yielded more overall DPS for me than the other proc rings, although the difference was very little. I like the overall idea of it instead of just being a flat proc, but I agree I would like to see a boost on it. Something like a longer duration for the CB would be nice.
  3. Hammdaddy Active Member

    This ring will never beat wdb ring/136 pot to group.
    duckster and Neiloch like this.
  4. duckster Active Member

    Make the CB stack and/or increase the dmg proc.
  5. Darkon Well-Known Member

    To be good it'd have to give something absurd like 300 CB. It just can't happen. All the rings from this mob are mediocre, the scout one is non-unique in that sense.
  6. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    All practiced buffs are best in slot while Uplifting comes second. anything after that that is just a fill-in until you get Practiced.