Vote Now for the Location of Fan Faire 2008!

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Gnobrin, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-shadowscale Guest

    heh i know what you mean. i lived in Hawaii till just a few years ago. ever sense SoE started fan fairs i wanted them to have one in Hawaii. last year was my first year in California so i was finally able to attend the one they had in Vegas.
  2. ARCHIVED-SisterTheresa Guest

    Looks like vegas won again (poll is closed) just cause the fare is cheaper ...
    No love for the east coast at all. In fan faires or GMs .. booooo!
  3. ARCHIVED-bluer1234 Guest

    Well, if it's going to be Vegas, how about when? I really need to know right away if I'm going to get the time off work to go.
  4. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    bluer1234 wrote:
    The poll has probably times. But I wouldn't put in for time off yet, who knows?
  5. ARCHIVED-Savanja Guest

    bluer1234 wrote:
    Ditto. I need to know ASAP to get my ducks in a row.
  6. ARCHIVED-Kulssin Guest

    Loolee wrote:
    Got room on the couch for a binge drinking, chain smoking Ratonga? ^^
  7. ARCHIVED-Loolee Guest

    Spyderbite@Venekor wrote:
    Only if you promise to smoke outside.
  8. ARCHIVED-Ashlian Guest

    How about next year you don't skew the results for Orlando by posting two dates for it? Please post a SINGLE date for the Orlando area so that those of us in the Southeast US have a fighting chance against the people who want the bright lights and the free booze of non family friendly Vegas.
    I went to last year's Fan Faire, and I did have a great time, but I would not encourage my friends to bring their kids, whereas the other two Fan Faire's I went to before they were all SOE (just EQ1) in Minneapolis and Orlando were definitely someplace you wouldn't mind the kiddies. There were also a lot of locations within easy walking distance for tourists that were family friendly and didn't involve alchohol or exorbitant amounts of money as most of the Vegas shows did if you could take the time to get to them, considering how far apart the hotels are. And there were still plenty of places for adults to go who did wish to just get happy with some booze.
    There were very few people from my server in attendance at the last Fan Faire, and a lot of that had to do with the location. Change it up occasionally! And PLEASE STOP SPLITTING THE DATES SO THAT ONE LOCATION WILL AUTOMATICALLY GET VASTLY MORE VOTES!
  9. ARCHIVED-Maroger Guest

    How about having it in Washington, DC ?
  10. ARCHIVED-Savanja Guest

    If I were to venture a guess, I'd say that while the polls help in giving an idea as to how many want what, it isn't going to be the determining factor in where FF would be held.

    They can't possibly make everyone happy, ya know?
  11. ARCHIVED-Kulssin Guest

    Savanja wrote:
    I'll bet you got reported at least 50 times for that quote by those who firmly believe that making everyone is happy is an easily obtained reality and that these decisions are made for the sole purpose of making a handful of individuals very unhappy. ;)
  12. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Spyderbite@Venekor wrote:
    My. my five-year-old certainly believes I make decisions solely to make him unhappy....
  13. ARCHIVED-Savanja Guest

    Calthine wrote:
    Well dur. That's what mothers were put on this planet for!
  14. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Ashlian@Mistmoore wrote:
    You know in the final version of the poll Orlando did have 1 date, the final options where Orlando, Washington DC, or Vegas.
  15. ARCHIVED-Kiara- Guest

    No no no. Since we, the players, make all the decisions over at SOE via polls, SOE has to skew them and usher us about like the sheep we are.
    Nevermind that if they really wanted it in Vegas they could have just said: Hey, guess what. Here's where it is, here's how much it's gonna cost. Suck it up and come or don't we don't care, we're partying.
    But that'd be too much like logic, wouldn't it?
    Get a grip people. Your tinfoil hats are making my teeth hurt.
    Oh and in further news, they've decided to have the Fan Faire in mexico from now on. The dollar to peso conversion rate is just too good to pass up. There will be free donkey shows for everyone!!! * rolls her eyes *