Voice Chat, Multiple Accounts, Post SoEmote.

Discussion in 'Voice Chat Support' started by ARCHIVED-PariahAnathema, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-PariahAnathema Guest

    So, pre SoEmote, I could run multiple accounts and be logging in to voice chat via all of them. There was a button I could push if I wanted to change which character was "talking", but now it seems that no longer works. The button is still there but it not clickable. (I was using ProfitUI, but also tried it with using the default as well.)
    Has anyone running multiple clients on the same computer been able to get voice chat working lately?
  2. ARCHIVED-PariahAnathema Guest

    If you have task manager open, and you open up more than one instance of EQ2, even if you only enable voice chat in one of them, the process freaks out and starts spawning new instances of itself and then promptly closes.
  3. ARCHIVED-Hetshu Guest

    I think they messed this in the UI files.
    The functionality is still there. Enter /vcforce_login into the chat window to toggle which toon is talking.
  4. ARCHIVED-TSR-AlexS Guest

    I'd recommend submitting a ticket to our tech team to assist you with this issue.