Very Slow Zoning

Discussion in 'Connection Support' started by ARCHIVED-Dohon, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Grymin Guest

    SoE, you guys have really messed up this time. FIX IT!
    I dont mean sometime this year, i dont mean next week, do it N O W ! ! !
    and that crap about upgrading databases some time this year? that reply was an insult to our intelligence. i question your competence, - are you sure you are the right guy for that job you got?
    oh, and before you go down that road: this IS the polite version of what i intended to say.
  2. ARCHIVED-LordSaul Guest

    30 minute zoning!!!

    come on sony - tell us SOMETHING. People just make up their on conclusions if you don't. Tell us you have extra emergency hardware on the way, tell us that you are rolling back the code base to pre-battle grounds, tell us you have investigated x,y and z and found nothing, tell us you have found where the problem occurs, but dont know the solution yet

    tell us something other than ...
  3. ARCHIVED-Pogopuschel Guest

    Just got home from the pub, thought I'd hammer a few quests on an alt before I go to bed. Zoning took a full 8 minutes again.
    Battlegrounds, who were apparently identified as the source of the increased database load, are a fun addition to the game, I love them and I don't want to miss them. That said, they are an addition. Like LoN. Any major detrimental impact that they have on the game should result on an immediate red light for them.
    Even with the recent changes resulting in a lower max. concurrent games on BG servers, this is unacceptable. You have a new expansion out, this is where the number of subscriptions go up, this is where there is an influx of new players to an already aged game. The effort is put in, and goes to waste if you upset the player base with issues that are seemingly trivial. All your hard work, all the efforts and good aspects of the game are ruined and worthless if this is new players' most memorable thing about the game.
    I'm sure mikeybee is one of the few people that are new to EQ2 who actually bothers to write on the forums about it. With the wide variety of MMOs out there, I reckon most simply move on. I know I would if I didn't have a history of playing this game.
  4. ARCHIVED-Xanoth Guest

    Uyaem@Runnyeye wrote:
    I totally agree. As much as I enjoy battlegrounds, if this is the cost of their existance then it's too high.
    I just can't accept 10-20 minute zone times per zone as being acceptable. Not to mention the general lag we already get by being a "UK" server that is part of a US cluster and hosted in the US. Why after 5 years Runnyeye is still hosted in the states is beyond me.
  5. ARCHIVED-camynyraen Guest

    Fix it or refund my money for March and dont charge me again until you can provide the service I am paying for.
    In fact, you have a lot of nerve charging for a service and then not providing the serivce and telling us to wait an undetermined amount of time for a fix.

    I am very close to removing my three accounts and heading off to play an MMO not run by SOE on their one server box.
  6. ARCHIVED-Auntymin Guest

    This has now reached "put up or shut up" stage. There has been no reply from anyone at SOE in a week; there has been, if anything, an increase in load times. I joined the game shortly after release with delight - I hadn't played the original EQ so this was new and shiny and have had buckets of fun with lots of people since.
    I have stayed through thick and (some very) thin times, but ignoring customers telling you, repeatedly, that your product is broken? Come on, put a "I run a business" hat on.
    I am tempted to join the tin foil hat brigade and predict this thread will be shut down with threats. Frankly, all I want to know is:
    1) Will you fix this?
    2) When?
    And if the answer to either of the above involves the word "month", I'm off. Thanks for a generally delightful time over the last 5 years but I refuse to pay for this. I think Sony's a big enough earner to buy any hardware it wants, when it wants.
    Again, apologies to the TSR folk: not aimed at you. BUT - if SOE are aiming to shut the game down, they've hit upon a grand, grand strategy here as there won't be any subscribers left.
  7. ARCHIVED-Kulianya Guest

    posting during a 6 minute black screen. Doing something while I wait...........7 minutes....
  8. ARCHIVED-Qanyena Guest

    same thing different day. Sit and wait to zone because battlegrounds are more important to soe than any pve content.
  9. ARCHIVED-salerene Guest

    I don't have slow zoning, but I noticed combat art/spell lag. like a 2 to 3 sec delay in the time I click and the combat art or spell goes off. when most of the time is instant. depending on where I am at depends on how long the delay is.
  10. ARCHIVED-Pogopuschel Guest

    Five minutes and counting.
  11. ARCHIVED-Meinhoff Guest

    5-6 attempts first to get into the game in the first place. Then loading forever to zone into an instance.
    Ive gotten nowhere now in 35 minutes. This is just retarted. FIX IT SOE!

    Finally got through..and this is just stupid.
    Started logging in 20.05
    Getting from guildhall to Palace of the Ancient one (flag at Moors) (That's zoning from G-hall to Moors and then into Palace).
    Zoned in to Palace at 20.50. Thats 45 min spend mostly zoning (or trying to)..
  12. ARCHIVED-Wildbulldog Guest

    Raid nights are again and again being ruined by 15+ minutes zone times. This is unacceptable SOE.
  13. ARCHIVED-Grawler2 Guest

    Come on Dev why have this forum if you don't show up and say something what is going on.
  14. ARCHIVED-Kulianya Guest

    I'm done dealing with this. Letting my account expire. to top it off with the slow zoning issue as soon as I zone the loading UI resources bug is back so it's even longer!
  15. ARCHIVED-Polywogus Guest

    On Oasis here, & I've been experiencing seriously slow zoning for the past several hours. Can we maybe get an update on this other than 'monitoring performance' or whatever was said some pages back by SOE? An update saying 'problem found & being hotfixed in right away' would be great.
  16. ARCHIVED-Ademelo Guest

    I was at 50% zoning when I decided to come to the forums to see if there was any postings. I was able to load up my homepage, get to EQ2players, go to the forums, log in, locate this thread and post this and I'm currently sitting at 80% loading.
    Everyone threatens to leave the game if "so and so isn't fixed". I cancelled my accounts today, and until I see MAJOR improvements in game play (lag, zone times, etc...) I will not re-subscribe. I enjoy the game, when I am able to play it. And it's just not fun anymore (15 min fight on Oxdaxius when it should be dead in 5 is just annoying, not fun)
  17. ARCHIVED-Kulianya Guest

    still waiting.......
  18. ARCHIVED-Sakuraseven Guest

    Server: Blackburrow
    Half the guild cant even zone.. been loading one zone for 10 minutes now. Doesnt matter character or account, connection is fine and stable.
  19. ARCHIVED-Elanthia Guest

    same Server: blackburrow Zoning in to main zone didn't seem too bad of an issue... well it was longer than usual but nothing compare zoning into a raid zone. From guild hall to Palace total of 12 mins. I understand you guys are working on trying to improve on zoning times.. but this is way worse.
  20. ARCHIVED-Sunshoon Guest

    Server: Guk
    Starting zoning into Obelisk at 9:38 PM EST, it is now 9:53 PM EST, and the Receiving Zone Info bar is still completely blank.
    This level of apparent incompetence to at least inform your paying public is astounding. If ignored customers like SOE is doing, my company would definitely be out of business.
    I zoned all night long, working on an HQ quest and could not figure out why my guildies were so upset, then I hit Obelisk from Feerrott and Bam, 15 minutes and not a single lick of progression on the zone.
    Please fix this issue, and communicate to us the Real Status and what you are doing about it!